Oman workers fight on for democracy

This Euronews video says about itself:

At least two people are reported to have been killed in anti-government protests in Oman.

A rather conservative estimate of the number of people killed.

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Dutch evacuated in Oman

Added: Monday, February 28, 2011, 09:55
Update: Monday, February 28, 2011, 12:11

In the Omani port city Sohar the protests are continuing. Like yesterday, hundreds of people demanding reforms are on the move.

The protesters say the oil profits should be distributed equitably and that residents of Oman are out of work, while many expats are working in Oman.

The Rotterdam port corporation has taken fifteen employees and their families away from the port of Sohar. They are mostly Dutch. The company has brought them to a quieter spot in the country.

This morning protesters blocked the roads to the port and a refinery. The port of Sohar is fifty percent owned by the port of Rotterdam.


Yesterday about two thousand demonstrators took to the streets to demand political reform and more jobs. … The police tried to drive away the crowd with rubber bullets. This is said to have caused six deaths.

In order to take away the unrest in the country, yesterday Sultan Qaboos promised 50,000 new jobs and support for the unemployed. Qaboos has been in power for forty years. He has absolute power and does not allow political parties in Oman.


Queen Beatrix [of the Netherlands] will next week be on a state visit to Oman. She was supposed to visit Sohar with [Crown] Prince Willem-Alexander, [Crown] Princess Máxima and [Foreign Affairs minister] Verhagen. For the time being, the Dutch government wants that visit to go ahead as planned.

UPDATE: Dutch NOS TV says that the Dutch government may cancel the Oman state visit plan at a meeting tonight.

UPDATE: NOS TV says a decision on the visit to Oman will not be taken today.

British Tory prime minister David Cameron is touring the Middle East with a group of companies, including arms dealers. He defended the weapons of destruction tour saying, “It’s a good thing to take strong business delegations”: here.

USA: McCain Now Praises Egyptian Revolt After Calling Popular Uprisings in Arab World a Dangerous “Virus”: here.

6 thoughts on “Oman workers fight on for democracy

  1. Activists demand prisoner release

    THAILAND: Seven recently freed leaders of the country’s pro-democracy Red Shirt movement called on Sunday for the release of more than 180 of their comrades who have been imprisoned since a bloody military crackdown last year.

    The seven gathered for a ceremony at Bangkok’s Wat Pathuwanaram temple, where six people were shot dead last year as the army swept demonstrators from the streets to end weeks of mass protests and left nearly 90 people dead.

    “We are trying our best to get all our friends in jail released,” said Weng Tojirakarn, who was among seven Red Shirt leaders freed on bail last Tuesday.


  2. Pingback: Oman monarchy arrests human rights activists | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. 11 nov. 2013 Arbeidsrust voor Havenbedrijf Rotterdam in Oman

    De regering van Oman kondigt een wetswijziging aan die staken en daartoe oproepen verbiedt voor werkers in de olie-industrie, op de vliegvelden en in de havens. Het Rotterdams Havenbedrijf heeft een belangrijke deelneming in de haven van Oman. Oman (een staat op het Arabisch schiereiland) wordt al 40 jaar dictatoriaal geregeerd door de sultan Qabous. Toen voorjaar 2011 tijdens de Arabische Lente ook daar opstanden uitbraken liet Qabous die keihard neerslaan. Zo hard, dat de Nederlandse regering het verstandiger vond een gepland staatsbezoek van Beatrix met een half jaar uit te stellen. Beatrix ging overigens toch voorjaar 2011 naar Qabous, maar dan op ‘privébezoek’.


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  5. Pingback: Arab spring alive in Oman sultanate | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: British government helps Oman absolute monarchy oppression | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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