Erg Chebbi desert birds of Morocco

This video from Morocco says about itself:

This is the eastern edge of the trip at the Erg Chebbi dunes of the Sahara, only a few miles from the Algerian border. The video shows scenes in and around a Bedouin camp. Birds shown are 1st-year White-crowned Wheatear (Oenanthe leucopyga), Desert Sparrow (Passer simplex), and Cream-colored Courser (Cursorius cursor). The Wheatear shifted between exposed perches and the shade of the Bedouin tents. There was little boy playing as I filmed the singing Desert Sparrow. A Courser scampered across the dunes in classic style, followed moments later by caravan of Arabian Camels (Dromedary) and, some steps behind, a local camel driver.

From Day 4 of the Morocco trip with Bird ID, March 5-14, 2016

23 December 2010.

After yesterday, today to the Erg Chebbi sandy desert.

A juvenile white-crowned wheatear on a building.

Brown-necked raven flying.

Then, a hoopoe lark.

This video is called Singing [Greater] Hoopoe Lark at Bir Sultane (Pipeline Road), Tunisia.

A bar-tailed lark.

A flock of crowned sandgrouse flying.

Then, a rare desert bird: an eastern crowned wheatear.

A common bulbul at an oasis.

A small bit of water. A frog moving away quickly.

A group of trumpeter finches.

Under a shrub, one of few places where is shade, sits a pharaoh eagle owl.

Later, a great grey shrike in one of the few trees.

Birds around Merzouga: here.