Three successful Dutch crane nests

Eurasian crane

From Natuurmonumenten in the Netherlands:

June 28, 2010 11 o’clock

For the first time as many as three pair of cranes bred successfully in Fochteloërveen nature reserve. One of the couples lost their first clutch, but their second clutch was successful.

Since 2001 cranes are coming to the the Fochteloërveen to breed.

In total 6 chicks were born, four of those are still alive now.

In early 2011, “The Dutch Crane Resort” will start: a nature restoration project where the surface bogs and wet heath surface in Fochteloërveen will be increased.

2 thoughts on “Three successful Dutch crane nests

  1. Pingback: Save Dutch cranes from military planes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: First crane baby in Dutch nature reserve | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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