Iraq peace movement film

Anti Iraq war march, London 15 February 2003

There is a video, the trailer of film We Are Many by Amir Amirani.

From Waging Nonviolence blog:

New documentary on the largest global demonstration for peace in history in the making

by Eric Stoner | February 26, 2010, 10:20 am

Where were you on February 15, 2003? If you were a part of the biggest global demonstration in history against war, which took place that day, I’m sure you remember well.

I was in the streets of Castellon, a small town on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, where I was studying for a master’s in Peace Studies, with some 20,000 other Spaniards protesting the impending war against Iraq. It was really very moving to be a part of such a large gathering.

Now a team is working on a full-length documentary, called “We Are Many,” about that historic day. Although it’s not set to come out until late 2011 or early 2012, they have already completed a very nice trailer for the movie (above). …

However, the hard truth is that we never should have expected one day of protest, no matter how big, to stop a war. That’s not how nonviolence works. If we actually wanted to stop the imminent attack on Iraq, we would have had to come back the next day, and every day after that, until the administration listened. Almost all nonviolent campaigns that have been successful against such a powerful, determined opponent required this type of sacrifice and perseverance from participants.

Protesters would also have needed to try other, more aggressive tactics – like civil disobedience or even a general strike – that more directly disrupt business as usual. If millions of people indefinitely refused to go to work, blocked roads around the country and filled the jails, then Bush may have perhaps faltered.

Rather than simply celebrate February 15, I would encourage the filmmakers to include some discussion along these lines, so that their very promising documentary can contribute to the building of a more effective movement in the future.

Blair warned in 2000 Iraq war was illegal: here.

The European Court of Human Rights has issued a damning criticism of the British government for serious breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights regarding its conduct in Iraq: here.

Britain: Politicians at the highest levels of government could be summoned to testify at the al-Sweady inquiry into the alleged torture and murder of at least 20 Iraqis in British custody in 2004: here.

Last week, President Obama’s out-of-control military brass once again leaked a statement contrary to the president’s position. This time the statement came from Army Gen. Ray Odierno, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, who officially requested to keep a combat brigade in the northern part of the country beyond the August 2010 deadline: here.

7 thoughts on “Iraq peace movement film

  1. Al-Hayat writing in Arabic says that tribal chieftains in Diyala Province east of Baghdad are complaining that the al-Maliki government has not condemned what they termed US military attacks on Diyala towns and villages. The most egregious of these was an incident in Miqdadiya where US military personnel, presumably trainers accompanying Iraqi units, came under small arms fire and returned it. The son of the leader of the Zuhayri clan was killed in the crossfire. It is not clear when this happened, but al-Hayat says that the US military admitted and error and apologized. Joint US-Iraqi security operations are on-going in Diyala province. The Diyala notables said that they wanted the US military man responsible for the death to be turned over to Iraq for trial.


  2. U.S. activist allowed into Canada despite FBI warning

    By Frances Willick, Windsor StarMarch 1, 2010

    Speaking at Out Way Home Vancouver Peace Event and Reunion, a peace conference honouring woman war resisters that came to Canada, is US Colonel and diplomat Ann Wright. She was allowed into Canada this time but has been refused entry in the past.

    Photograph by: Ian Smith, Vancouver Sun

    WINDSOR, Ont. — A prominent U.S. peace activist who has previously been refused entry to Canada crossed the border into Windsor Monday afternoon after three hours of questioning by Canadian border agents.

    “I guess they didn’t find my offences so offensive,” joked Ann Wright shortly after emerging from the tunnel into Windsor.

    The 63-year-old former U.S. army corporal [no. Colonel] was denied access to Canada three times in recent years after Canadian immigration agents noticed her name on an FBI watch list.

    Wright has been arrested several times in the U.S. during protests against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. During one protest, she was arrested in front of the White House for refusing to move when police instructed her to leave. On another occasion, Wright was arrested after standing up during a congressional hearing to shout, “Stop the war.” She said her participation in the protests has always been “peaceful and non-violent.”

    Though her criminal history includes only misdemeanours, Wright said her name was placed on a list of citizens who had committed federal felonies.

    The resident of Honolulu, Hawaii, served in the U.S. army for 29 years, including 13 on active duty. After she retired, she served as a member of the U.S. diplomatic corps, but resigned from that position in 2003 in opposition to the war in Iraq.

    She will speak at the University of Toronto on Tuesday to share her thoughts on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and on war resisters in Canada.

    “I’m strongly opposed to the wars and I think it’s important to speak out. If we don’t, the government won’t know the feelings of citizens.”

    A spokesman for Code Pink Toronto, one of the organizations sponsoring Wright’s presentation, said Wright chose the Windsor-Detroit border crossing because she had received letters of support from local MPs Joe Comartin and Brian Masse.


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