Economic crisis news

This video from Britain is the film Capitalism & Other Kids’ Stuff. It says about itself:

It was made by four socialists on one freezing Saturday afternoon in a church hall at Hebburn in the north east of England. On a budget of £80 which was spent on travel expenses the cost of hiring the hall and some cold cheese pasties the film may be rough and ready but it’s hoped that it says something real to you.

A global poll by the British Broadcasting Corporation shows widespread disaffection with the capitalist free-market, including a significant opposition to capitalism per se: here.

London Underground cleaners will stage a protest on Tuesday after it emerged that their bosses have raked in a 50 per cent bonus increase.

Two reports made public Wednesday underscore the colossal dimensions of the social and financial crisis in the United States. California and nine other US states face severe budget crises that could force mass layoffs and cuts in public services like education: here.

Japan: The government of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is facing growing demands from big business to ditch its election promises, slash social spending and rein in mushrooming public debt: here.

Nearly 200 million children in developing countries have stunted growth because of insufficient food according to a UNICEF report has published: here.

Twenty years after the end of the Cold War, US-German relations are increasingly dominated by economic and political conflicts, as underscored by the disputes surrounding the auto maker Opel: here.

Hundreds of horse owners may have their mounts shot this winter as the recession hits owners who can no longer cope with the financial burden of feeding and stabling: here.

The global economic crisis and imperialist quest for Africa’s resources: here.

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