Leatherback turtle beaches in the Netherlands

This is a video of a leatherback turtle laying eggs on the beach in Galibi, Suriname.

According to Dutch nu.nl, today a leatherback turtle has beached near Den Helder in the Netherlands. Probably a young animal, as it was said to be one meter twenty in size, and adults are much bigger. It was already dead when it beached.

There are plans to preserve the dead turtle, and to exhibit it in Ecomare on Texel island.

Leatherbacks recorded nesting on Georgia coastline alongside 1000 Loggerheads: here.

Police in Vietnam free hundreds of endangered [hawksbill] sea turtles: here.

USA: In Maryland, environmental officials are working to save one of the smallest and rarest turtles in North America. The bog turtle had the power to move an entire highway project in the state of Maryland. The tiny turtle is listed as an endangered species. It faces a disappearing habitat as well as poachers: here.

Parent–offspring conflict and selection on egg size in turtles: here.

July 2010: Initial data from a Emirates Wildlife Society-WWF turtle-tagging project in the Middle East has thrown up some surprises for conservationists. The programme, which is being run in partnership with the Marine Research Foundation, is attempting to follow more than 75 Hawksbill turtles in the area over the course of three years in the hope of gaining an insight into their migration patterns and the findings already disprove one long-held scientific theory about turtle movements in the area.

August 2010: After nearly two years, 13 Vietnamese poachers caught with the corpses of 101 endangered Hawksbill Turtles have been convicted of poaching. Since the poachers have been detained in Puerto Princesa [in the Philippines] since September 2, 2008 and the longest jail term was 18 months, the court ruled that only the fines which in some cases are as much as £64,000, remain to be served: here.

New study reveals high levels of illegal turtle harvesting: here; incl. green & hawksbills.

4 thoughts on “Leatherback turtle beaches in the Netherlands

  1. Keewaydin Island most popular turtle nesting area in county

    Published: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 11:28 AM CDT

    Special to the Sun Times

    Nesting season for sea turtles has ended for the year and now Collier County Parks and Recreation Sea Turtle Protection Program staff are waiting for the remaining nests to hatch.

    The most populated sea turtle nesting area this year is Keewaydin Island, with Barefoot Beach following far behind in second place.

    Sea turtles laid 159 nests on Keewaydin this year, compared to 62 nests at Barefoot Beach on the Lee-Collier county line.

    Parks and Recreation has monitored a total of 510 nests during the 2009 nesting season compared to 694 in 2008.

    This year’s nest numbers are lower than last year’s due to several storms early in the nesting season wiping out dozens of nests.

    “We keep hoping to turn the corner each year where the nests and hatching of those nests will increase significantly, however it seems the weather has not cooperated,” said Maura Kraus, principal environmental specialist for Parks and Recreation.

    Loggerheads deposit, on average, 100 eggs the size of ping-pong balls in each nest and these eggs begin to hatch after about 60 days. Parks and Recreation’s Sea Turtle Protection Program staff monitors more than 23 miles of beach. Biologists patrol the beaches each morning looking for the signs of a sea turtle nesting. Each sea turtle emergence is examined and it is then determined whether the crawl is a nest or a false crawl (a non-nesting emergence). Nests are staked and taped to protect them.

    To date, Collier County has had 37 stranded sea turtles. Three were alive and sent to rehabilitation facilities. Only one of those stranded sea turtles is alive and scheduled to be released off Sarasota Beach by Mote Marine Laboratory, where she has been recovering.

    For more information, call Maura Kraus at 239-252-2952.



  2. Feds agree to new sea turtles protection

    The Associated Press • Published October 08, 2009

    Federal fisheries managers have agreed to designate critical habitat for threatened leatherback sea turtles in the ocean off Oregon and California.

    NOAA Fisheries officials said Thursday they will have the critical habitat designation done by Dec. 4 under terms of a settlement of a lawsuit brought by conservation groups.

    Oceana, Center for Biological Diversity, and Turtle Island Institute had sued the government for failing to follow through on their petition to designate critical habitat, which is a requirement of the Endangered Species Act.

    Pacific leatherbacks migrate each year from Indonesia to feed on jellyfish in the California current between Lincoln City, Ore., and Point Conception, Calif.

    The agency also set a February deadline to decide whether the protections for leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles should be increased to endangered.


  3. do 15 okt 2009, 11:05

    Dode lederschildpad opgevist uit Noordzee

    TEXEL – Schippers hebben vorige week een dode lederschildpad uit de Noordzee opgevist. Dat maakte Ecomare, centrum voor de Wadden en de Noordzee, donderdag bekend. Het dier is bij natuurhistorisch museum Naturalis in Leiden voor onderzoek.

    Conservator Pierre Bonnet van Ecomare gaat ervan uit dat het om hetzelfde dier gaat dat eind september zwemmend voor de kust van Texel werd gesignaleerd. Eerder die maand spoelde op het strand van Den Helder al een dode lederschildpad aan.

    De lederschildpad is de grootste schildpad ter wereld. De dieren kunnen een schildlengte bereiken van ongeveer 3 meter. Het zijn volgens Bonnet „extreem zeldzame dieren” die normaal gesproken niet in de Noordzee voorkomen.

    De lederschildpad werd vorige week donderdag opgevist, op dezelfde dag dat bij Ameland een bultrug werd geborgen. Ook dat dier is naar Naturalis gebracht. „Het nieuws over de gevonden lederschildpad is daardoor ondergesneeuwd geraakt, waardoor Naturalis dit ons pas woensdag meldde”, aldus Bonnet.



  4. Pingback: Turtles and tortoises in Puerto Rico and Britain | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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