Suriname, 7th day, Bigi Pan

This is video about Bigi Pan nature reserve near Nieuw-Nickerie.

This video says about itself:

Bigipan in Suriname is a nature reserve with beautiful birds, fish and nature.

Suriname, 9 February.

As described earlier, yesterday we arrived in Nieuw-Nickerie.

Nieuw-Nickerie is the only town in Suriname where the house sparrow was introduced successfully from Europe; though there a few reports of this species from Paramaribo as well.

Today, east from Nieuw-Nickerie. To Bigi Pan, in motor boats which need to be hauled across a muddy watershed.

Snowy egrets. A great kiskadee. A grey kingbird.

Then, a limpkin on a bank. This bird looks a bit, in size and in body shape, like a heron; but it is more related to rails. It eats apple snails, like the snail kite. However, the kite catches the snails flying above the water; while the limpkin gets them, wading in the water. Limpkins suffer from hunting in Suriname.

Orange-winged parrots. A rufescent tiger-heron under a bush on the bank of the canal leading to the open water of Bigi Pan.

A striated heron.

A black-collared hawk. A white-necked heron. Quite some ospreys, sitting on dead trees and flying around.

Neotropic cormorants, also on dead trees.

White-winged swallows.

Also: an anhinga.

A juvenile, still whitish, little blue heron.

On a tree trunk, a straight-billed woodcreeper.

A pied water-tyrant. A great horned owl.

A lineated woodpecker.

A tri-colored heron.

We are going back. Spectacled caiman on a canal bank.

When the motor boat arrives back, green garden lizards in a garden.

The bus brings us far to the east.

At the bridge across the Saramacca river, hundreds of snowy egrets gathering for sleeping in trees.

The streets of Paramaribo are flooded, as there has been much rain all day. We have been lucky, as it did not rain when we were in Bigi Pan.

Finally, we arrive north of Paramaribo, in Leonsberg.

A spectacled caiman attacked wildlife presenter Steve Backshall during filming for the BBC in Argentina: here.

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7 thoughts on “Suriname, 7th day, Bigi Pan

  1. Pingback: Birding in Suriname | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Suriname, 8th day, to the southern mountains | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Straight-billed woodcreeper feeding, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Limpkins in Florida, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Limpkins in Florida, USA, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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