Did French President have oppositionist’s home burgled?

This video is about the G8 summit 2007 in Germany, where Sarkozy was drunk.

From British daily The Independent:

J’accuse! Ségolène links Sarkozy ‘clan’ with break-in at apartment

By John Lichfield in Paris

Thursday, 10 July 2008

A vitriolic political row has exploded in France after the defeated presidential candidate, Ségolène Royal, accused President Sarkozy‘s “clan” of being “linked” to a break-in at her flat.

Mme Royal‘s words, on the main nightly news programme of the state-owned television channel France 2, came close to a direct accusation of a “Ségogate” – a break-in at the home of a senior opposition leader inspired by the President.

See also here.

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