Dutch sea-eagles prepare for new breeding season

This is a video of the young white-tailed eagle in the Oostvaardersplassen in 2007, trying to learn how to fly.

From SOVON in the Netherlands:

The most famous couple in the Netherlands, the sea-eagles of the Oostvaardersplassen, recently have started to repair the eyrie where they have nested for the past two years.

Both in 2006 and in 2007 they have managed to raise a chick. The older chick meanwhile has been driven from the territory; its whereabouts are unknown.

The eaglet from 2007 is still hanging around in the area; probably, it will soon have to leave as well.

Meanwhile, the already big eyrie has been strengthened with an extra 20 centimeter. In a few years time, the eyrie might collapse from its own weight. Soon, the special webcam of Staatsbosbeheer, directed at the nest, will be online again.

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