Parakeets of New Zealand Gulf islands

This video from New Zealand is called Common Dolphins in the Hauraki Gulf.

From Wildlife Extra:

Rare Kakariki Parakeets to Re-Populate New Zealand Gulf Islands

An ambitious plan to translocate 100 kakariki (red-crowned parakeets) from Little Barrier Island to two other Hauraki Gulf islands as well as a mainland site means more people will be able to see the rare birds.

Conservation researcher Luis Ortiz-Catedral, based at Massey University in Auckland, has been studying a small population of translocated orange-fronted kakariki, which are extremely rare and critically endangered, on remote Maud Island in the Marlborough Sounds. He is now planning a large-scale translocation further north of their relative, the red-crowned kakariki. The two-pronged project is part of his doctoral thesis as a researcher at the Institute of Natural Resources, comparing how wild and captive birds cope with translocation.

Red-crowned Kakariki

The red-crowned kakariki thrive in abundance on Little Barrier Island, a protected conservation reserve. Mr Ortiz-Catedral is organising a project to capture then release the 100 birds at Rakino and Motuihe Islands as well as Tawharanui conservation reserve north of Auckland.

This will expand the geographical range of the species and enable scientists and conservationists to better understand how newly located translocated kakariki cope with the change.

April 2011: The first orange-fronted parakeet or kākāriki to fledge in the wild north of the Cook Strait in about 130 years has been confirmed on Tuhua – New Zealand’s Mayor Island: here.

7 thoughts on “Parakeets of New Zealand Gulf islands

  1. Lucky cockatoo saved by its mates

    Posted Mon Feb 4, 2008 12:36pm AEDT
    Updated Mon Feb 4, 2008 12:37pm AEDT

    Animal rescuers say a cockatoo rescued from a tree last night had been kept alive for two weeks by his fellow feathered friends.

    A rescue team was called to Kilsyth east of Melbourne overnight to rescue the sulphur-crested cockatoo.

    The parrot had been caught in a gum tree after its leg became entangled in netting.

    Animal rescuer, Nigel Williamson says he believes the cockatoo had been trapped in the tree for two weeks and was kept alive by other birds.

    “It’s been amazing how the other birds have come along and they’ve been obviously feeding it and keeping it going,” he said.

    He says although traumatised and skinny, the cocky is on the road to recovery.

    Local, Helen Johns said she had noticed a “white object” in the tree.

    “I kept an eye on it every now and again as I drove past not realising that it was a live bird and then I saw other birds feeding it, thought it must’ve been trapped,” she said.


  2. Fears grow that Motuihe rat may not be acting alone

    5:00AM Wednesday April 23, 2008

    By Angela Gregory

    More tracking stations have been set off by a rat, or rats, on what was thought to be predator-free Motuihe Island in the Hauraki Gulf.

    A Department of Conservation ranger found evidence of rat activity on the island on Monday when rat pawprints were picked up in a tracking station on the northern end of the island.

    DoC spokesman Bill Trusewich said five more tracking stations spread across the 179ha island had yesterday shown evidence of rat activity.

    He said that could indicate the island had one “very ambitious rat” or more than one rat.

    It was a concern because of the planned release next month of kakariki, a native parrot, on Motuihe which had been been free of rats and mice since 1996.

    The reserve became pest free in 2004 when 20,000 rabbits were eradicated.

    The island was being ecologically restored with volunteer reafforestation and the establishment of other native bird species, such as saddlebacks which had doubled in numbers since they were introduced a couple of years ago.

    Mr Trusewich said if the rat was a ship rat, which was likely, it would be omnivorous and eat eggs.

    It might even attack shore nesting birds, including the protected variable oyster catcher and the critically endangered New Zealand dotterel.

    A sniffer dog was to be taken to the island yesterday but that would not now happen until today when a trained terrier could be brought up from the Coromandel Peninsula.

    DoC workers were already laying out a grid of 250 rat traps which were being baited with peanut butter. It could take a few weeks to catch the rat.


  3. Astounding return of parakeets

    4:00AM Monday Jun 22, 2009

    By Eloise Gibson

    Biologists arriving on remote Raoul Island, about halfway between Auckland and Tonga, were astounded to find flocks of chattering, bright green kakariki had returned after 150 years.

    The red-crowned parakeets, which are native to New Zealand and its outlying islands, found their way back to the Department of Conservation’s most distant managed island after cats, rats and stoats were killed off there in 2004.

    Massey University researcher Luis Ortiz-Catedral said the surprise was not the distance the parakeets had travelled – about 4km from a neighbouring island – but the sheer number of birds nesting and breeding four years after the department’s pest eradication.

    Researchers caught and counted at least 100 birds but Mr Ortiz-Catedral believes further research will uncover thousands.

    He said it was the first documented natural relocation of kakariki, and probably a world first for parrot conservation.

    Kakariki had resettled other New Zealand forests after predators were removed but their return had never been well documented, he said.

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    The flourishing population on Raoul Island, 1000 km northeast of the North Island, is the first known example of kakariki breeding and nesting on the island since 1836.

    Kakariki are very rare in mainland New Zealand but thrive on island sanctuaries such as Tiritiri Matangi.


  4. Pingback: Tuatara conservation in New Zeraland | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: New Zealand island now rat free | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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