Scottish birds threatened by climate change

This video says about itself:

One male capercaillie and three hens on a lekking place south in Norway.

From the BBC:

Extinction threat to Scots bird

The Scottish crossbill, the UK’s only endemic bird which is native to the Highlands of Scotland, faces extinction, according to a new report.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds warns that unless action is taken to halt a rise in global temperatures, the species is under severe threat.

The bird, which lives only in Scots pine forests, is already on the conservation body’s endangered list.

Other Scottish species, such as the capercaillie, could also suffer.

The Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds – published by the RSPB – shows that three quarters of all of Europe’s nesting bird species are likely to suffer declines in range. …

Red and black grouse, ptarmigan [see also here] and snow bunting are other birds likely to be affected in Scotland.

See also here.

Black grouse numbers on the rise in Scotland: here.

More about the Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds: here.

This is a BBC capercaillie video about Scotland.

White-tailed ptarmigan: here.

Snow bunting: here.

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