Textile art protest against the Iraq war by Adrienne Sloane from the USA

This video from the USA says about itself:

27 April 2011

Join Patty Lyons from the Lion Brand Yarn Studio as she interviews fiber artist Adrienne Sloane.

From the Boston Globe in the USA:

Textile artist knitting war protests

By Susan Chaityn Lebovits

September 2, 2007

Bombs and missiles have inspired Adrienne Sloane to use a weapon of her own: 30-gauge craft wire. The Watertown resident, who spent a decade creating whimsical hats in colorful yarn, is expressing her views on the war in Iraq by knitting sculptures such as “Body Count” and “Faces of Good and Evil” in wire and linen.

Her studio, inside the Munroe Center of the Arts in Lexington, houses an eclectic mix of messages and mediums. A wire tutu adorned with carpenter nails is titled “The Pain of Growing up Female,” and 14 anatomically correct male bodies, made of linen, are tacked horizontally to the wall to make up “Cost of War II.”

The original “Cost of War” won the Director’s Award at the Fiberart International show in Pittsburgh last spring and is touring the country through April 2010.

In the corner of her studio is a clothesline with 12 knitted hands and feet hanging lifeless. She calls the piece “Dirty Laundry.”

“Its our dirty laundry over there” in Iraq, said Sloane, 57. “That’s what we’re doing; we’re killing people.”

When asked to discuss the meaning behind some of her work, Sloane answered, “I would prefer that the reader did with it what they wanted.”

Given the intensity of Sloane’s art, one might assume she spent her 20s at antiwar rallies, protesting Vietnam, but that wasn’t the case. Sloane said she was not politically active during that time, distracted by her own personal story, her parents’ divorce.

At peace with her past, Sloane is focusing on the present. “Our national policy is causing ripple effects in our personal lives and will do so for years to come,” said Sloane, who has a teenage son, Asa.

5 thoughts on “Textile art protest against the Iraq war by Adrienne Sloane from the USA

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