Dutch nazi leader prosecuted for child porn and racism

This Dutch TV video is called Jan Teijn Nationale Alliantie bij de Jakhalzen.

From Dutch NOS TV:

14 August 2007

Leader of the Nationale Alliantie prosecuted

The [Dutch] public prosecutor will prosecute the leader of the extreme Rightist Nationale Alliantie [National Alliance], Jan Teijn. Teijn is considered to be responsible for racism on the party’s web site. He was the moderator of a forum at that site.

Along with Teijn also the man who made the racist postings, a man from Arnhem (33) will be prosecuted. The anti discrimination bureau Radar saw the website and alarmed the public prosecutor.

Teijn disbanded the party when he found that the public prosecutor investigated him. He is also prosecuted for possessing child porn movies, though his party spoke out against pedophilia.

Probably in order to deflect attention from Nationale Alliantie Fuehrer Teijn himself.

11 thoughts on “Dutch nazi leader prosecuted for child porn and racism

  1. You might be interested to know that Ayaan Hirsi Ali is being marketed as a “leftist” in the US. Her book is a bestseller. Several friends who have read it were surprised to hear that she was known as a right winger in Holland. Maybe this Nazi could restart his career by moving to the US and repositioning himself as a “leftist” pedophile racist.


  2. Hi Jon, Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s new bosses at the American Enterprise Institute might be so Right wing, that compared to them she is Leftist on a few points *in that context* … and in that context alone. I’ve blogged about Ayaan before here. Do you mean with “her book” her “auto”biography, written in fact by a ghostwriter?


  3. Yes, her autobiography. She is being marketed here as a feminist who had the courage to stand up to Islam and the old European hierarchy, at which point she fled Europe for her life. “Ghost writer”– I’m shocked I tell you! Shocked!
    In fact Kitty, if you had not posted about her, I might have fallen for the propaganda. Well it’s a darned good thing the American Enterprise Institute took her in.


  4. Hi Jon, thanks for this reaction! In fact, earlier this year, in a series of articles, the Dutch [Rightist] weekly HP/de Tijd claimed that earlier writings published under Ms Ali’s name, had in fact been (at least co-)written by her white male Rightist advisers.


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