USA: remembering Dr Martin Luther King

This video from the USA is called Martin Luther King, “Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam”.

From the History News Network in the USA:

Martin Luther King‘s True Legacy: Revolutionary Ideals

By Randal Maurice Jelks

Mr. Jelks is an associate professor of history at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich., and a writer for the History News Service.

He is writing a book on one of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s mentors, Benjamin Elijah Mays.

It was a momentous day this past November when the ground breaking for the monument to Martin Luther King, Jr., occurred.

Erecting a monument for Martin Luther King, Jr. on the National Mall in Washington will honor a great American.

However, when it is built the powerful message that King delivered to his contemporaries will be diluted by effusive rhetoric obscuring historical reality.

The reality is that Martin Luther King held revolutionary ideals rooted in the 18th-century vision of freedom and equality and grounded by a Christian theological vision of social justice.

With these ideals, he and his fellow civil rights workers intentionally created national discomfort in cities, north as well as south, throughout the 1960s.

Holding true to his principles is what compelled him to take a deeply reflective antiwar stance in the era of the Vietnam War.

King articulated the great revolutionary hope that human beings might one day live in a world of individuality, mutuality and respect.

King’s ideals were also derived from a human rights tradition rooted in the long fight against slavery.

See also here.

Dr Martin Luther King speech on the Vietnam war: here.

Bush on Martin Luther King, cartoon

10 thoughts on “USA: remembering Dr Martin Luther King

  1. Kitty, Thanks for the link to me. Unfortunately, the tech problems are back and link doesn’t seem to work. I’m glad that there seems to be a bit of a leftwing backlash in this country. Lots of articles in the press and letters to the editor that pointed to King’s real work. For a few years there, King was being held up as a good and saintly man who never made any trouble, not like these terrible Black people today. Unfortunately Black people today are scared and disorganized. With good reason too, the economic status of Black people has been under almost constant attack for more than thirty years. Civil Rights organizations, unions and community groups have been smashed, while Black churches and politicians have been pushed into the background or bought off.


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