Giuliana Sgrena. ModBlog gone forever?

This video from the USA is called Giuliana Sgrena Italian Journalist press conference in Judson Church New York.

It seems ModBlog is gone forever (though one never knows for sure).

Thousands of bloggers used to blog there, including me with over 1,000 entries, seen hundreds of thousands times by Internauts.

A small company was bought by a big corporation that did not care about the bloggers, and after a limbo period, and without warning any blogger, pulled the plug, destroying all these bloggers’ work.

I could not recover the big majority of it (UPDATE 25 December 2006: Google cache enabled me to recover some of it later).

At least some of it deserves some preservation.

Like the story of Italian journalist Ms Giuliana Sgrena, whose Italian secret service bodyguard was killed by US troops in Iraq who also severely injured Ms Sgrena.

I linked this to this article in The Guardian on the unit who shot Ms Sgrena being investigated from within the US army itself on raping Iraqi women.

I connected this with an article from Women’s enews (not this later one; I cannot find the early 2005 article again) from before Ms Sgrena made international media headlines: saying in an interview she was investigating sexual abuse of Iraqi women by US troops.

I wrote on 3/8/05:

And Giuliana Sgrena is not just any journalist. She is not a specialist on American football, or on gardening; but on Arab women.

She is a seasoned investigative reporter, committed feminist, speaking Arabic well, investigating sex assaults against Iraqi women … what exactly might be the connection here?

The question whether any person in the 3rd Infantry Brigade ever referred to Ms Sgrena in terms like “that woman who might get us into military jail for rape” is one of many questions here waiting for a thorough independent investigation based on sound facts. Independent meaning certainly also independent from the Bush administration (usually under US law, a man suspected of beating or killing his wife is supposed not to have power over the investigation of the suspected crime).

Possibly, some people might not want a scandal, similar to the Abu Ghraib and other torture scandals, to come into the open (with Abu Ghraib it took months before it did). Ms Sgrena was well placed to bring things into the open.

To find out what exactly those people thought and did, and whether they were or included, or were not and did not include, privates, lieutenants, Secretaries of Defence, Vice Presidents, etc. should be the subject of an investigation which leaves no stone unturned. We all owe this to the Iraqi women, to the mourning families of the Italian security agent Nicola Calipari and of so many others.

Daily Kos thread on this here.

An Iraqi woman blogger’s [Riverbend’s] reaction here.

Read Ms Sgrena’s own paper on her.

Naomi Klein interview on Ms Sgrena: here.

Latest, according to Dutch press agency ANP: the Italian Foreign Secretary has confirmed Ms Sgrena’s friends’ story that there WAS a deal with the US army on the car with Ms Sgrena and her Secret Service companions to go safely to Baghdad airport.

He also demanded that the US government should punish the perpetrators. See also here, in English.

Right-Wing Bloggers’ Fake Sgrena Car Photo; AP Linked to Disinfo on Shooting: see here.

Posted by: Marisacat
Date: 03/08/05 at 1:19 PM (1y6M ago)
Followed your link from your diary at Daily Kos. Thanks for linking and following the Sgrena story.

Very interesting, very good looking blog too….;)

Posted by:

Date: 03/08/05 at 1:22 PM (1y6M ago)
Thanks Marisacat!

Posted by: jukeboxgrad
Date: 03/08/05 at 3:43 PM (1y6M ago)
I think the Guardian article is on the right track, but I think there are important errors. For details, see my post here:

Posted by:

Date: 03/08/05 at 3:52 PM (1y6M ago)
Thanks for reacting. More investigation is necessary. It is also important to note Ms Sgrena’s specialism in women’s issues, including rape of Iraqi women; as pointed out in the Women’s e news article, first written before her release.

Posted by: RNinNC
Date: 03/08/05 at 5:21 PM (1y6M ago)
The MSM will have her completely villified before her story is composed here in the US. I actually lurked over at FreeRep (shudder) and they are already well underway in painting her as a Commie leftist. Thanks SO MUCH for helping me understand more of the background of this story, which as always will never show up outside of the blogosphere.

Posted by:

Date: 03/08/05 at 5:33 PM (1y6M ago)
Thanks RNinNC. Have you read Ms Sgrena’s own story (translated) on this log? Maybe distributing it more widely helps.
I also saw some nutty conspiracy theory on a very Right site that supposedly it was a fake abduction staged by the victim herself, blah blah blah … As far as I read it did not bring in green shape shifting lizards from Mars, but others of that ilk probably do.

Posted by:
Idle: 5M2w
The Silent Revolution
ModBlog Groups
patucariver Group

Date: 03/08/05 at 7:31 PM (1y6M ago)
Good post! It explains a lot of stuff that’s been bugging me. I shall read Ms Sgrena’s story at leisure.

‘Nothing is ever forgotten.’

Posted by:

Date: 03/08/05 at 7:37 PM (1y6M ago)
Thanks zarafa!

Posted by:

Date: 03/09/05 at 12:56 AM (1y6M ago)
The News Line : Editorial
Editorial: Wednesday March 9 2005
‘This is war’ – Pentagon justifies Calipari slaying

PENTAGON officials have said America is still at war in Iraq, almost two years after President George Bush declared in May 2003 that the war was over.

The Pentagon statement was made to justify the slaying of Italian intelligence agent Nicola Calipari, who, a US officer said, was behaving as if he was James Bond.

Meanwhile, the freed Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena, whose life was saved by Calipari, maintains that the US planned to kill her.

She said that her Iraqi captors told her to be wary of the Americans as they were about to release her. They explained that the Americans would try to kill her since they opposed the freeing of all hostages. Sgrena said that she took the warning lightly as the expression of an ‘ideological position’ and just ‘anti-American propaganda’.

However, when US troops poured fire into her car near to Baghdad airport, the words of her Iraqi captors, who had looked after her safety, flooded back into her mind.

The internal Pentagon memo leaked to the US media, justifying the slaying, states: ‘This is war. About 500 American service members have been killed by hostile fire while operating on Iraqi streets and highways.

‘The journalist was driving in pitch-dark and at a high speed and failed, according to the first reports, to respond to numerous warnings.

‘Besides, there is no indication that the Italian security forces made prior arrangements to facilitate the transition to the airport.’

The US military has said its forces gave ample warning to the driver of Sgrena’s car, which they said was approaching fast when they opened fire.

A US officer said Calipari acted like a James Bond character: ‘They’re driving around at night picking up a journalist who has been kidnapped and pretending they can get through a phalanx of checkpoints along the deadliest road in all of Iraq without being detected, much less shot up.’

Friday’s murder of Italy’s top intelligence officer in Iraq, Calipari, has strained relations between the United States and Italy to breaking point.

Italy’s foreign minister, Fini, has demanded that the US ‘identify and punish’ those responsible for the death of Calipari. This the US has not the slightest intention of doing.

Fini said the US and Italy had different versions of what happened to Nicola Calipari, who was killed protecting Sgrena with his body.

The US says shots were fired because the vehicle was speeding and did not heed troops’ warnings for it to stop.

But Fini said the car was travelling at no more than 40km per hour.

Calipari had also made ‘all the necessary contacts’ with US and Italian officials about the hostage’s release and the journey to the airport, he added.

Fini continued that the vehicle carrying the released hostage and agents was well-lit to facilitate checks, and that it had stopped after a powerful light was shone on it from the roadside and the shooting began immediately, without warning.

Berlusconi and Fini are the US’ best friends in Italy, having dragged that country into the war on Iraq very much against its will.

The latest demonstration of the murderous nature of imperialist war has angered the entire Italian working class. The description of the dead Italian security agent as a James Bond character who brought his death on himself will raise their anger to a fury against US imperialism and its Italian helpers.

Now is the time for the Italian trade unions to call a general strike and to march on Rome to bring down the Berlusconi regime and to withdraw all Italian troops from Iraq.

This is the only constructive way to remember the hundreds of thousands who have been murdered in Iraq by imperialism, including Nicola Calipari.

Posted by:

Date: 03/10/05 at 11:34 PM (1y6M ago)
See also

Posted by:

Date: 03/14/05 at 9:43 PM (1y6M ago)
Sgrena case in perspective, by Belgian Doctor Van Moorter (was often in Iraq):
(and other Indymedia articles; in Dutch, use translation software)

Posted by:

Date: 03/15/05 at 11:41 AM (1y6M ago)
See also

RE: Sgrena: US soldiers accused of sex assaults
Posted by:

Date: 04/05/05 at 12:07 PM (1y6M ago)
IRAQ: US soldiers get away with rape?

US Army documents released in early May have revealed that a US military “investigation” into the alleged rape of two Iraqi women by US soldiers was shut down for lack of evidence — without contacting the alleged victims. It is alleged that the women were attacked by four soldiers guarding a mall. One of the soldiers interviewed by “investigators” said, “I know the women were Iraqi. I however don’t know if they were raped, or were prostitutes, or were just looking for sex.” Suzanne Gold[en]berg, the journalist who broke the story for the British Guardian, explained that the investigation record consisted entirely of “not very rigorous” interviews with soldiers.

From Green Left Weekly, April 6, 2005

RE: US soldiers and Iraqi women
Posted by:

Date: 06/02/05 at 8:49 PM (1y4M ago)
See also

Iraqi journalist investigating death squads killed: here.

Also from the Google cache:

5/3/05 at 12:15AM

Remember US troops in Baghdad, Iraq, wounding Italian jounalist Giuliana Sgrena, and killing secret agent Nicola Calipari, US authorities being aware who was in the car nearing Baghdad airport?

Today, an Italian government report on this came out.

Remember: a report by the Rightist Berlusconi government, about as close allies as George W. Bush has anywhere in Europe.

Still, the report basically says the Bush administration lied on the killing.

Reuters reports:

Italy disputes [US] version of agent’s death in Iraq
Mon May 2, 2005

By Crispian Balmer

ROME (Reuters) – Italy said on Monday nervous, inexperienced U.S. troops manning a haphazard checkpoint killed an Italian agent in Iraq and criticized the U.S. military for failing to establish clear rules for such road blocks.

From the Google cache, 3/25/05:

From Peek: The Blog Of Blogs:

Military would prefer not to investigate

Danny Schechter remarks on the US military’s refusal to allow Italian policemen to inspect the car ushering Giuliana Sgrena to safety:

“Recall the promises of a joint Italian US investigation into the killing of that Italian intelligence agent and the wounding of Giuliana, the Italian journalist.

Remember all the emails I had saying that the bulletholes in the car exculpated the US soldiers.

A few weeks later, AP reports…” (News Dissector)

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5 thoughts on “Giuliana Sgrena. ModBlog gone forever?

  1. TraprockPeaceTV on YouTube
    Posted by: “Charles Jenks” chaspeace
    Wed Nov 29, 2006 1:19 pm (PST)

    Traprock Peace Center has started a video channel, courtesy of YouTube. With a director’s designation, we will be uploading videos from clips to full length programs.

    Our initial videos:

    *Jeremy Scahill, a 14 minute video from his important workshop on the
    “Myth of Humanitarian Intervention” at Socialism 2006
    *Lynne Stewart, radical defense lawyer speaking poignantly when she was facing 30 years in prison
    *Aimee Allison on counter-recruiting – military lies and an example of how to speak to young people
    *Ahmed Shawki – on combing activism and education
    *Nick Mottern on ExxonMobil War Boycott
    *Cindy Sheehan speaking at the White House gates with the Don’t Attack Iran petition
    *Scott Ritter – from our 2002 archives – giving an early warning on war
    *Sgt. Ricky Clousing, GI resister, sentenced to 3 months imprisonment
    *Joel Geier – on Resisting US Empire (Parts I and II)
    *Martín Sanchez, Venezuela’s consul general in Chicago, on “The Struggle for Self-Determination in Venezuela” (Parts I and II)

    Music, dance, performance:
    *”Oh Freedom!” song video clip, with Annie Hassett (guitar), Wally and Juanita Nelson, Sunny Miller, and Jude and Jontz
    *Poet Martín Espada, reciting (performing, really) his great labor poem – “Alabanza: In Praise of Local 100”
    *Anja Daniel singing Humble, with circle dancing
    *Mixed Nuts concert at Traprock
    *Holly Near, singing “I Am Willing” with backup vocals by Emma’s Revolution

    Events – actions, marches, people:
    *Chanting – by participants to this month’s Midwest Socialism conference

    Subscribe at

    Our complete lineup of videos is also available at our video blog at
    (We actually like the resolution quality at the blog, as we customized the size of the viewing screen to match each video’s resolution.)

    We started editing and uploading videos just three weeks ago, delving into our video archives and new material. Previously, we had videos available for download only. With YouTube, visitors may watch streaming video, that is, people may watch it as it downloads. We’ve had 1500 videos viewings so far, and we won a YouTube honor for a popular video (Joel Geier, see below).

    Our programs come complete with multiple links to related information, including oftentimes the complete audio of the program for download.

    We encourage using and sharing these resources, with attributions, and letting us know so we can gauge the reach of our programs. Full copyright information is available with the programs.

    We invite activists and organizations with video to contact us for showing on YouTube.

    What’s coming?

    Kathy Kelly
    Anthony Arnove
    Camilo Mejia
    Code Pink
    more Wally and Juanita Nelson
    Al Norman on Walmart
    Antiwar marches
    Juan Torres
    Vermont Yankee hearings
    David Swanson of AfterDowningStreet
    Ray McGovern
    Cindy Sheehan speaking in London
    Elizabeth Wrigley-Field and European students
    John Rees
    more Scott Ritter
    DU programs
    Carlos Arredondo
    Sara Flounders on Darfur
    Rachel Wilsey, James Fiorentino and Tong LeBeau on immigrant rights
    Charles Peterson, James Fiorentino and Sunny Miller on the Middle
    East crisis
    Chanting by monks of Nipponzan Myohoji Sangha
    Rev. Roy Malveaux of Beaumont Texas on ExxonMobil
    and much more

    Charles Jenks
    Chair of Advisory Board
    Traprock Peace Center
    103 Keets Road
    Deerfield, MA 01342


  2. Comments of my ModBlog poll when it it still existed+ rescued from the Google cache.

    The question was how did you find this Dear Kitty ModBlog

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    Poll Comments

    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: N/A
    View Profile

    Date: 10/12/05 at 10:59 AM (11M1d ago)
    impressive blog. very interesting! I’m happy to have found another person who cares abou the life we live and the world we live it in
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    How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 2M3w
    Loopy Lair
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    Date: 10/12/05 at 12:54 PM (11M1d ago)
    was visiting another blog, saw your comment, then read profile… rest is history 😉 …lol
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 1d6h
    Dear Kitty
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    Date: 10/12/05 at 3:45 PM (11M1d ago)
    Thank you acdihouse and laughingwolf for your comments!
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 2M3w
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    Date: 10/13/05 at 10:25 AM (11M14h ago)
    Dearkitty visited my blog, and made a comment when I was just starting my modblog. Since then Dearkitty remained a great online neighbour to me.

    I must add that this blog is one of the best I have ever seen. Cheers Dearkitty!

    CRITICALLY yours::::::LG
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 1d6h
    Dear Kitty
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    Date: 10/13/05 at 10:30 AM (11M14h ago)
    Thanks critical, and all the best for your blog 🙂
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by: marlies (View Website)
    Date: 10/21/05 at 11:00 AM (10M3w ago)
    via Herman himself of course,
    a fascinating weblog-
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 1d6h
    Dear Kitty
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    Date: 10/21/05 at 11:36 AM (10M3w ago)
    Thanks so much Marlies! (by the way, you gave Dear Kitty as your web address).
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 8M4w
    raish’s ModBlog
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    Date: 12/03/05 at 10:27 AM (9M1w ago)
    I think I got here from the Guardian
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 2w2d
    ChitownMC’s ModBlog
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    Date: 12/06/05 at 6:49 PM (9M6d ago)
    Just putting around and it’s hard to find some one in the endless serch of man. As you know the creator of the world in early ,very early times was the donna mother of all. Then men got all hang out and took the image over. What do you think of the pyrimids in the sea of Japan.
    Bob Enemark
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 4M2w
    trailergazzettepart2’s M>
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    Date: 03/31/06 at 11:23 PM (5M1w ago)
    cant remeber but the blog has a great name and some cool stuff ciao
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    RE: How did you get first at Dear Kitty Modblog?
    Posted by:
    Idle: 1d6h
    Dear Kitty
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    Date: 03/31/06 at 11:45 PM (5M1w ago)
    Hi trailer thank you and keep blogging 🙂


  3. News Line : Editorial
    Editorial:Tuesday May 3 2005

    A REPORT by the US military, clearing troops who killed a top Italian intelligence officer in Baghdad – as he sought to bring a freed Italian journalist to Baghdad airport to be flown home to Italy – has been challenged by the Italian government, which has now produced its own counter-report.

    The US report, published last Saturday, completely exonerates the US forces who machine-gunned Nicola Calipari, 51, after he had helped free journalist Guiliana Sgrena.

    This has caused a deep rift between Italy, where the Iraq war is intensely unpopular, and the United States. In fact, the already crisis-ridden Berlusconi regime stands no chance of survival unless it starts an immediate withdrawal of Italian troops from Iraq.

    The US report brazenly calls the Italian military liars when it states that Italy had not informed the US forces in Iraq that the car carrying Calipari and Sgrena was travelling to Baghdad airport. It blames Italy for the killing when it states: ‘Prior coordination might have prevented this tragedy’.

    The report, released to the press in Baghdad late Saturday, said the troops followed the rules of engagement and recommended that ‘no disciplinary action be taken against any soldier involved in the incident’.

    Obviously, the US military is terrified of a mutiny by its very hard-pressed and ill-prepared troops, who all want to return home, if they are blamed and court martialled for dereliction of duty.

    After the publication of the US report last Saturday, the Italian Foreign Minister said that ‘The main points on which it was not possible to identify shared views regarded particularly the sequence of events, the rules of engagement and the coordination with the competent authorities in Iraq.’ In other words, the Italian and US sides could not agree about anything!

    Meanwhile, the US side rubbed salt into Italian wounds with the report stating that ‘it can be positively stated that the US military was totally unaware of the recovery and transport of Ms Sgrena on 4th March 2005 until after the shooting incident had occurred. Not coordinating with US personnel was a conscious decision on the part of the Italians as they considered the hostage recovery an intelligence mission and a national issue.’

    So, the killing of Calipari was, according to the US, a direct result of ‘a conscious decision’ on the part of the Italians not to coordinate with US personnel.

    Meanwhile, the Italian media has printed what had been the blacked out and heavily censored sections of the US report, while the just published Italian reply, refutes the US claims one by one.

    The absolute contempt with which the US has treated Italy has incensed the Italian workers, who have turned their fury on Berlusconi for supporting Bush’s war on Iraq and rushing Italian troops to Iraq to assist with the occupation.

    Berlusconi was heavily defeated in the recent regional elections and his government collapsed. He has managed to form another government and this has now been undermined by the US report.

    Berlusconi is now facing demands from the Italian working class that he end his attacks on workers’ rights, and immediately withdraw troops from Iraq or face a general strike.

    Berlusconi is on the way out, and Blair is not far behind him. In fact, the whole coalition is wobbling.

    The top US military have sent out a schedule to their senior commanders in Iraq for handing over military responsibility to Iraqi puppet units from next December, while, for the first time, the puppets are discussing the date for the beginning of a US withdrawal of troops from Iraq.


  4. Pingback: Questions and answers on this blog | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: US soldiers kill Iraqi worker | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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