Britain: locked-out Gate Gourmet workers to march at Tolpuddle

This video frpom England says about itself:

22 July 2013

TOLPUDDLE 2013: TONY BENN SPEECH. Procession front, Frances O’ Grady TUC General Manager, Actress Maxine Peake, Tony Benn, Natalie Bennett Leader of the Green Party.

From English daily News Line:

Saturday, 15 July 2006


‘THE Tolpuddle Martyrs were called troublemakers and were transported to Australia.

‘We were called troublemakers and sacked,’ Parmjeet Sidhu said at the Gate Gourmet locked-out workers’ weekly picket of the Transport and General Workers Union regional office, in Hillingdon, near Heathrow Airport yesterday.

Parmjeet told News Line that a delegation of the locked-out workers will be joining the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ anniversary rally in Dorset tomorrow.

She said: ‘We want to see our fellow trade unionists and tell them what is happening to us.

Tolpuddle report: here.

Tolpuddle sycamore tree did shelter martyrs: here.

Gate Gourmet update: here.

And here.

Texas Pacific Group, owners of Gate Gourmet: here.

Their connections to Enron scandal: here.

From the Google cache, 8/12/05:Bosses usually hate strikes. But most of all they hate strikes of workers in solidarity with other workers’ categories.

Like in the British Airways strike at Heathrow airport in London, England, today:

Solidarity walkout for sacked Heathrow Gate Gourmet workers

by Charlie Kimber

In a magnificent show of solidarity, thousands of workers at Heathrow airport in London have walked out unofficially in support of sacked colleagues at caterers Gate Gourmet.

At the moment check-in staff, baggage handlers and bus drivers are on strike at Terminals 1 and 4.

Some 20 incoming flights have been re-routed away from Heathrow and outgoing flights halted.

At the heart of this dispute is a company determined to unilaterally slash pay, worsen conditions and bust unions—and the determination of British Airways to stand alongside it.

Dutch NOS TV, reporting on the strike, interviewed passengers whose plans were disturbed (without bringing up the possibility that bosses’ union busting caused their problems).

Gate Gourmet update May 2007: here.

Update September 2007: here; and here.

Tolpuddle report 2008, by Mark Steel: here.

Tolpuddle 2009: here.

8 thoughts on “Britain: locked-out Gate Gourmet workers to march at Tolpuddle

  1. Unity remains our strength
    TENS of thousands of people will be out and about this weekend, some at the traditional Tolpuddle Martyrs commemoration in Dorset and some at the London mayor’s Rise/London United free music festival in south London.

    It may seem that the one is for trade unionists and the other is for young people, but, in fact, the two events are linked.

    It is not just that many of those at the music festival will be trade unionists or that the event is sponsored by UNISON and the southern and eastern region TUC. Nor is is that Tolpuddle’s musical menu will also attract people who want to have a fun weekend.

    The two events are linked by the fact that the ruling class has always sought to maintain its power by splitting working people – trying to prevent workers from building effective trade unions and seeking to encourage divisions on the basis of race and colour.

    Tolpuddle and Rise are expressions of our determination not be set against each other in the interests of the powerful and wealthy. Our unity remains our strength. [scroll down]


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