Racism, news update

This 28 August 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

Why Jacob Blake‘s Family will have to fight for justice

After his unarmed son was killed by Kenosha police, Michael Bell Sr. has fought for independent investigations of police shootings.

WISCONSIN GOV. ASKS TRUMP TO STAY AWAY FROM STATE Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers urged President Donald Trump to reconsider a planned trip to the state following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, saying such a visit may only “delay our work to overcome division and move forward.” Evers, a Democrat, sent the missive after the White House said the president would travel to Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday to meet with law enforcement and survey the damage following demonstrations against police brutality and systemic racism that came after the shooting. Days after Blake was shot, two protesters were killed. [HuffPost]

TRUMP DUCKS QUESTION ABOUT ACCUSED TEEN SHOOTER President Donald Trump on Saturday dodged a question about Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois teenager and Trump supporter who has been charged with homicide in the shooting deaths of two demonstrators in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Donald Trump Jr., meanwhile, retweeted a supportive message about Rittenhouse. The teen traveled to the Kenosha protest Tuesday armed with a semi-automatic rifle, according to investigators. The fatal shooting of two protesters and the wounding of a volunteer medic was captured in cellphone videos. [HuffPost]

THE GOP IS VERY MUCH TRUMP’S PARTY, POLL SHOWS More Trump voters said they were loyal to President Donald Trump than they were to the Republican Party, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. Some 49% of Republican and Republican-leaning independents who voted for Trump in 2016 said they consider themselves more supporters of Trump than of the Republican Party. Just 19% said they were more supporters of the party, with another 28% saying they were supporters of both. The poll came on the heels of the Republican National Convention, during which the GOP declined to rally around a policy platform and instead opted to “reassert the party’s strong support” for “Trump and his administration.” [HuffPost]

Breonna Taylor’s life was changing. Then the police came to her door.

USA: ‘Jews want a race war’ website removed only to be quickly replaced.

Vatican hid Holocaust orphans from families, urged Pope not to protest deportations

4 thoughts on “Racism, news update

  1. There should be an angry button for things like this!!! Thank you for this post and video.
    This is despicable we are dealing with killings by officers and cover ups.
    Thank you Micheal Bell for your courage and speaking out on behalf of your son and all others. I am soooo sorry for your loss and your ability to continue exposing truth and change amidst the pain and suffering you experience daily. I agree Micheal, that we must not forget the officers that protect and serve us and stand up and impliment change for the ones that continue to kill and cover up this dispicable, inexcusable act. It is sickening and blood boiling! Your composue and act of service is commendable.
    And if you can do this, so can we!!!! Stay Strong!


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