United States Democratic candidate Bloomberg’s racism unveiled

This 11 February 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

This Audio Might END Bloomberg’s Campaign

Is Bloomberg’s campaign over? John Iadarola, Brett Erlich, and Adrienne Lawrence, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

In the audio which Bloomberg tries to cover up, this billionaire, ex-Republican, now Democratic party presidential candidate, makes racist remarks on non-white people.

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg strongly defended his “throw them up against the walls” stop-and-frisk policy in just-leaked audio of a 2015 Aspen Institute appearance, telling the audience that cops targeted minority neighborhoods “because that’s where all the crime is.” The apparent audio of the five-year-old event, which Bloomberg blocked from public release at the time, was released by podcaster Benjamin Dixon: here.

20 thoughts on “United States Democratic candidate Bloomberg’s racism unveiled

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