Saving refugees off Libya

This 22 July 2019 video says about itself:

NGOs to resume migrant rescue operations

Humanitarian organizations SOS Méditerranée and Médecins Sans Frontières have decided to resume rescue operations for migrants off the Libyan coast, after a 7 months debar.

The organizations were forced to stop their rescue operations due to pressure from some [European Union] countries. In a statement issued on Sunday, MSF and SOS Méditerranée said they will continue their search and rescue operations at sea to save lives, and also condemned the indifference of the European governments.

One of the 20 people who attempt to cross the Mediterranean Sea die according to estimates by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration.

The two charities have announced that their new ship, Ocean Viking, will sail to the Central Mediterranean Sea at the end of July.

3 thoughts on “Saving refugees off Libya

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