Young California condor fledges, videos

This video from California in the USA says about itself:

California Condor Family Spreads Their Wings In The Sun – Oct. 14, 2018

The family that suns together stays together! Watch the California Condors spread their wings in succession after the sun peeked through the clouds in Hutton’s Bowl. Sunbathing may serve primarily to dry feathers prior to flight, but researchers suggest it may also aid in thermoregulation and reduction of feather deformations.

The California Condor cam is a collaboration between the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Santa Barbara Zoo, the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

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This video says about itself:

All Three Condors Take Off In Succession in Hutton’s Bowl – Oct. 14, 2018

Enjoy this family moment from the California Condor cam when the condors take off over the canyon one after another in Hutton’s Bowl. Fledgling #923 follows his parents’ lead with a steady flight after mom (wearing yellow tag #289) and dad (wearing blue tag #374) flap their enormous wings and fly out of view of the camera.

2 thoughts on “Young California condor fledges, videos

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