Desert island birds, plants and algae

Elytrigia juncea on Het Rif, 8 September 2018

This 8 September 2018 photo shows Elytrigia juncea grass growing on low sand dunes of Het Rif, a sandbank, or desert island, just north of Engelsmanplaat sandbank, or desert island.

We were still on that 8 September 2018 at the two sandbanks, or desert islands, Engelsmanplaat and Het Rif in the Wadden Sea.

Het Rif, 8 September 2018

As also this photo shows, on Het Rif there are small sand dunes with Elytrigia juncea plants. Contrary to Engelsmanplaat: practically completely under water at high tide, very few plants; only birds nesting: one oystercatcher couple. On Het Rif, this year for the first time an eider duck couple nested. In 2015, there were 262 common tern nests, 174 Arctic tern nests and 30 little tern nests.

Het Rif feather, 8 September 2018

Between the Rif plants, sometimes a white feather gets stuck (small detail, far left on this photo).

Het Rif feather close up, 8 September 2018

This photo shows the feather more closely.

Het Rif sand, 8 September 2018

This photo shows the various colours of sand in the non-dune areas of Het Rif.

Engelsmanplaat, 8 September 2018

This photo shows Engelsmanplaat, with Het Rif in the background.

Engelsmanplaat birds, 8 September 2018

This photo shows birds, mostly gulls, flying around Engelsmanplaat. We saw a ringed plover on that sandbank.

Engelsmanplaat clouds, 8 September 2018

The clouds above Engelsmanplaat sometimes became darker, but it did not rain.

Engelsmanplaat shells, 8 September 2018

Many seashells on Engelsmanplaat.

Engelsmanplaat diatom and bird tracks, 8 September 2018

Not just seashells: this photo also shows a track of a rather big bird; a lesser black-backed gull or herring gull? And tracks of smaller (wader?) birds. And greenish diatom algae. And sand ejected by Phyllodoce maculata worms.

Engelsmanplaat bird tracks, 8 September 2018

This photo shows the big and smaller bird tracks in still more detail.

Engelsmanplaat diatoms, 8 September 2018

And this photo concentrates on the diatoms.

Stay tuned, as there will be another blog post about wildlife around Lauwersmeer national park after 8 September at the desert islands!

5 thoughts on “Desert island birds, plants and algae

  1. Pingback: Desert island prickly saltwort plant, photo | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Sandwich terns, spoonbills and barn swallows | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Lizards dangerously eating algae, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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