Dalai Lama will meet clerical sexual abuse victims

This video says about itself:

SOGYAL RINPOCHE: “HIS WAY IS TO RAPE” – French TV on sexual abuse at Rigpa‘s Lerab Ling – Subtitled

Report broadcast on 24th January 2018 on the France 3 channel, detailing abuse committed by Sogyal Rinpoche at the Rigpa centre at Lerab Ling in France and Rigpa‘s attempt to sue a lawyer who is attempting to defend the victims of abuse.

Accompanying article (in French) here.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV today:

Dalai Lama will meet abuse victims in the Netherlands

The Dalai Lama will meet in the Netherlands tomorrow with victims of sexual abuse by Buddhist teachers. In doing so, he responds to the urgent appeal that twelve victims did to him. As far as is known, this will be the first time that the Dalai Lama will sit around a table with abuse victims. …

The victims will have a short time tomorrow afternoon to offer their written testimonies and a petition. Three of them are from the Netherlands. That petition has been signed about 850 times since Monday.

After earlier accusations, the advice of a Dalai Lama employee was not to make too much noise in these kinds of issues.

4 thoughts on “Dalai Lama will meet clerical sexual abuse victims

  1. Pingback: Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche’s abuse victim speaks | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Survivors discuss sexual abuse with Dalai Lama | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. This is very frightening for women practitioners to seek out spiritual teachers, from the Tibetan Buddhist lineages.

    Here the Dalai Lama disavows his responsibility to take action on sexual abuses by spiritual teachers in the Tibetan tradition. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45521075?ocid=socialflow_twitter

    The Dalai Lama has to take responsibility and speak up about these sexual abuses. Action has to be taken against errant teachers and their abuses. The Dalai Lama used to be very vocal about the Dorje Shugden who only seem to be evil, but there is no concrete evidence about wrong doing. Even Reuters who got into the fray about the Dorje Shugden people being Chinese collaborators, have found no shred of hard evidence to support their accusations.

    See list of high profile Dorje Shugden practitioners listed here like a hit-list for people to get them -> http://tibet.net/2014/05/list-of-dolgyal-followers-who-protested-against-his-holiness-the-dalai-lama-in-us-and-europe/

    Yet for the sexual misconducts of teachers and lamas under the umbrella of Tibetan Buddhism, this has gone largely unnoticed. No word of it from the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration. Break the silence of the Dalai Lama, so women can seek spirituality in Buddhism safely.


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