Young osprey flies for first time

This video from Georgia in the USA says about itself:

Osprey Chick Fledges In Savannah, Georgia! – June 11, 2018

After spending 57 days in the nest, the osprey chick finally took its first flight this morning at 7:36 AM! Watch the chick lift off and make a confident flight around the nest site before returning. Minutes later the chick takes off again, makes a swooping flight circling the nest, and returns to the cam perch.

Now that the chick has fledged, the adults will continue to supplement the chick as it hones its flying skills and learns to fish. The chick may stay in or near the nest for multiple weeks as it learns to become independent and self-sufficient.

Thanks to all of our viewers who learned along with us while watching a bobble-headed hatchling grow into a high-flying juvenile bird! Diving as deep as 3 feet for shallow-swimming prey, adult ospreys usually weigh 3–4 pounds, and they can carry prey up to 50 percent of their own weight. Ospreys can live up to 25 years, and they typically lay 1–4 eggs in a clutch.

3 thoughts on “Young osprey flies for first time

  1. Pingback: Bluebirds, starlings in Georgia, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Colourful birds in Georgia, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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