Fungi, birds, sand and streams


13 November 2017. The day after 12 November. Our last full day in the Veluwe region. We went to the Kootwijkerzand sandy plain.

From the trees around the sand, sounds of great spotted woodpecker, jay and crested tit.

In the patch of heather, rare Clavaria argillacea fungi growing.

Red deer footprints.

We hear white-fronted geese calling while flying on migration.

Roe deer footprints, smaller than red deer ones.

We leave the sandy plain. Just past Kootwijk village, redwings on a meadow.

Then, we continue to a beech forest near Gortel village.

Various streams have their sources there. Nuthatch sound. Fomitopsis pinicola fungi on a tree.

1 thought on “Fungi, birds, sand and streams

  1. Pingback: Veluwe fungi and birds, photos and bye bye! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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