Puerto Rico disaster update

This video from the USA says about itself:

Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz Condemns “Indefensible” Whitefish Contract & Calls for PREPA Chief’s Firing

31 October 2017

Democracy Now! goes to Puerto Rico, where the FBI is investigating the $300 million contract between Puerto Rico’s electric power company and the tiny Montana-based company Whitefish, named for the hometown of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. “It truly is unnerving that people can just swindle, swindle an entire population when they are at their most vulnerable,” says San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz. We also speak with Vice Mayor Rafael Jaume about the Whitefish contract.

This video from the USA says about itself:

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz On Trump, Shock Doctrine & “Disaster Capitalism” in Puerto Rico

31 October 2017

We continue our coverage of Puerto Rico, where United Nations experts are warning of “alarming” conditions, now more than five weeks after Hurricane Maria. This weekend, the Democracy Now! team traveled to the island, and on Friday afternoon we sat down with Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz for an extended interview about how Hurricane Maria had changed Puerto Rico since it struck the island on September 20, Trump’s attacks and her vision for the future.

THE CHEF WHO FED PUERTO RICO “[José Andrés’] much more than a hero. The situation is that still some people don’t even have food. He is all that is keeping them from starving.” [NYT]

4 thoughts on “Puerto Rico disaster update

  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Puerto Rico disaster update … it’s been one bumpy ride!! … ‘ the Democracy Now! team traveled to the island, and on Friday afternoon we sat down with Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz for an extended interview’ …


  2. Pingback: Puerto Rico and disaster profiteers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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