Wolf killed by car in the Netherlands

This video shows a wolf in Groningen province in the Netherlands in 2015.

Translated from RTV Noord in Groningen province in the Netherlands today:

This Friday morning a dead wolf was brought to Fauna Vision Foundation Wildcare in Westernieland.

Pim Lollinga of the rehab centre: “It is a male of more than fifty kilos, a huge animal. The animal was killed on the A28 motorway between Hoogeveen and Meppel [in Drenthe province]. …

The wolf has been transferred for investigation to the Dutch Wildlife Health Centre (DWHC), which is affiliated with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Utrecht. Lollinga: “They will create a DNA profile of the wolf. Subsequently, it will be checked whether he matches with a wild population in Germany.”

Wolves are at present not a resident species in the Netherlands. After hunters exterminated them in the nineteenth century, recently rarely vagrant wolves arrive from Germany.

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