President Donald Trump news update

This video from the USA says about itself:

Dozens Of Workers Fired After ‘Day Without Immigrants’ Protest

20 February 2017

Capitalists don’t take kindly to striking workers. Strikes have risks. Organize and resist. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“From South Carolina to Colorado, at least 80 workers who abstained from their jobs on February 16 were fired for their show of solidarity with a nationwide protest known as ‘A Day Without Immigrants.’

Thursday’s protest came in response to the Donald Trump administration’s deportation actions against undocumented immigrants. The mass demonstration resulted in numerous business closures and marches as many went on strike to show solidarity with immigrants targeted by the surge of detainments by Immigrants and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Yet some participating workers, unprotected by lax labor laws in the US, paid a stiff price. At least 80 people who chose join the protest and abstain from work were fired from their jobs, according to local news reports.

In Denver, at least 30 people employed by JVS Masonry were fired, even after telling their boss they would miss work to support the demonstrations but would make up for it two days later.

“The guys that we have out here that have families that are afraid to go out and get a gallon of milk, get gas, going to get groceries in case they get stopped and deported,” said Ray, a crew foreman who was among the workers who were fired, according to KDVR.

Their boss, Jim Serowski, said if employees are “going to betray the company, then I have a concern.”

“You stand for what you believe, make sure you stand for whatever consequences are going to come,” Serowski said in a text to Ray.

“I have no view on immigration laws or anything going on with that. All I know is I have a business to run,” Serowski said, according to KDVR.”*

Read more here.

Workers across the US faced retaliation from their employers for participating in last Thursday’s “A Day without Immigrants” protests. More than 100 workers throughout the country were fired due to their participation in the one-day event: here.

Trump’s Homeland Security memos: Millions at risk of deportation as crackdown looms: here.

Anti-Trump “Not My President’s Day” protests draw thousands across the US: here.

Trump names Iraq war general and militarist as national security adviser: here.

Famine threatens millions in the Horn of Africa as Washington prepares expanded war in Somalia: here.

Amidst the non-stop anti-Russian hysteria from the media and the Democratic Party, no one is posing the question: What will be the consequences of a war with Russia? Here.

MPs debate Trump state visit to Britain as tens of thousands protest: here.

3 thoughts on “President Donald Trump news update

  1. Pingback: Donald Trump and anti-Semitism | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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