Kestrel in winter video

This 3 January 2017 video is about a female kestrel; removing ice before flying away.

Jos van den Elshout in the Netherlands made this video.

Kestrels adapt their flight and hunting strategies to weather conditions, including solar radiation, wind speed, and air temperature, according to a study published June 7, 2017 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Jesús Hernández-Pliego from Estación Biológica de Doñana, Spain, and colleagues: here.

5 thoughts on “Kestrel in winter video

  1. Pingback: Kestrel and tufted ducks | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Kestrel cleans her feathers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Kestrel cleans her feathers – Gaia Gazette

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