Hillary Clinton’s Iraq war emails published

This 5 July 2016 video is called WikiLeaks rolls out archive of over 1,200 ‘Clinton Iraq War’ emails.

From daily The Independent in Britain today:

WikiLeaks publishes more than 1,000 Hillary Clinton war emails

The website released 1,258 emails on Monday

Justin Carissimo, New York

WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy website, has released more than 1,000 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server pertaining to the Iraq War.

The website tweeted a link to 1,258 emails on Monday that Clinton sent during her time as secretary of state. According to the release, the emails were obtained from the US State Department after they issued a Freedom of Information Act request. The emails stem from a State Department release back in February, The Hill reports.

Clinton And Trump, Least Trusted Candidates In Modern History, Compete to See Who’s Less Terrible. U.S. political culture is in ruins, defined by the two least-liked presidential nominees in modern history: here.

From WikiLeaks’ Clinton Email Archive. The New York Times’ chief military correspondent met secretly with State Department in 2010 to bury Iraq War Logs. By E.P. Bannon, 3 August 2016. The revelation of the correspondence again makes clear the degree to which the American “fourth estate” is completely integrated into the capitalist state: here.