Partridges, other birds at bird-friendly farmland

This video is from Wieringen in the Netherlands. Around the maize fields of local farmer Cees Tijsen, grass has been planted. That is much better for birds like the grey partridges in the video; and for young northern lapwings, redshanks and black-tailed godwits.

4 thoughts on “Partridges, other birds at bird-friendly farmland

  1. Pingback: Partridges, other birds at bird-friendly farmland — Dear Kitty. Some blog | Mark Geoffrey Kirshner

  2. Thursday 15th SEptember 2016

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    INTENSIVE farming has driven the decline of Britain’s wildlife, environmentalists warned yesterday.
    More than half of species have seen declines since the 1970s, while 15 per cent are at risk of completely vanishing from our shores, the second State of Nature report said.
    The study showed that 56 per cent of almost 4,000 species studied suffered declines in numbers or areas they are found in between 1970 and 2013.
    And the report said 1,199 of 8,000 species assessed could disappear.
    The report blamed changes to government farming policies since the 1970s, pointing to the loss of mixed farms and increased use of pesticides disrupting nature.
    Climate change is also increasingly affecting nature although the impacts are mixed.
    In the long term, global warming poses one of the greatest threats to nature around the world, the report warned.
    Bosses’ industry group the National Farmers Union argued that climate change and urbanisation should be given more attention.


  3. Pingback: Neonicotinoids threaten animals | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: British Conservative politicians killing pheasants, partridges, foxes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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