Spotless starlings, rock sparrow in Extremadura, Spain

Spotless starlings, 23 April 2016

Still 23 April 2016 in Extremadura, Spain. From the hide near Jaraicejo one cannot only see the bee-eaters mentioned on this blog earlier. There are also spotless starlings like these ones, trying to squat in tunnels dug by bee-eaters in their nesting colony.

Spotless starling, 23 April 2016

Sometimes they make lots of noise and spread their wings.

Spotless starling, Jaraicejo, 23 April 2016

Spotless starling, on 23 April 2016

Sometimes they behave more quietly.

Spotless starling on branch, 23 April 2016

Sometimes they sit on a branch close to the hide.

Rock sparrow, 23 April 2016

A rock sparrow did that as well. Note also the lichen on the branch.

5 thoughts on “Spotless starlings, rock sparrow in Extremadura, Spain

  1. Pingback: Spotless starlings, rock sparrow in Extremadura, Spain — Dear Kitty. Some blog |

  2. Pingback: Chaffinch, Sardinian warbler, bees, flowers in Extremadura, Spain | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Spotless starling video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Spotless starlings in Spain | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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