Ultra-conservative US judge Scalia dies

This video from the USA says about itself:

Scalia: Hero of the Far-Right Dead at 79

13 February 2016

Attorney Kamau Franklin says Justice Antonin Scalia participated in some of the most reactionary rulings affecting blacks, women, gays and workers in Supreme Court history.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dies At 79: here.

Antonin Scalia found dead on hunting trip: Controversial Supreme Court Associate Justice was 79: here.

This video from the USA says about itself:

How Scalia’s Death Can Change The Whole Election

13 February 2016

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at a resort in West Texas. He was 79. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks discusses what happens now. Will President Obama get to pick the next SCOTUS justice or will the Republicans block him until the end of his term? Who do you think should be the next Supreme Court nominee?

Scalia’s Death Undercuts Conservative Hopes on Unions, Abortion: here.

On Saturday, United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in his hotel room during a hunting trip in Texas, apparently of natural causes. The figure of Scalia has personified the rightward march of the American political establishment over the past three decades, as it jettisoned what remained of its commitment to democratic institutions and erected the framework of a police state: here.

The sickening tributes across the official US political and media spectrum to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died suddenly on Saturday at the age of 79, are a barometer of the putrefaction of American democracy: here.

WHITE HOUSE: GOP WILL CAVE ON SCALIA REPLACEMENT “The White House on Monday said President Barack Obama had started preliminary discussions with his team about naming a Supreme Court justice nominee and accused Republicans of ‘bluster’ for saying they would not confirm his pick.” The issue has already become prevalent in tight senate races. Here’s who might be on Obama’s shortlist for the spot, as well as a look at how nominees considered in election years are typically confirmed. [Reuters]

Antonin Scalia died as he lived, indulging behind closed doors in the largesse of the very wealthy, who could depend on the right-wing associate justice to defend their interests in the United States Supreme Court: here.

Justice Scalia spent his last hours with members of this secretive society of elite hunters: here.

13 thoughts on “Ultra-conservative US judge Scalia dies

  1. We’re launching an emergency campaign to stop Republicans from stonewalling President Obama’s pick to replace Justice Antonin Scalia. Will you chip in $5?

    Dear Linda,

    Last night, the sad news broke that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had passed away.

    And within minutes, the Republicans declared an all-out war on President Obama’s ability to select his replacement.

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said President Obama shouldn’t even bother nominating anyone. A Republican spokesman waited less than an hour to tweet that there was a “less than zero” chance of Obama getting to pick Scalia’s replacement.1

    It’s an unbelievable abdication of the Senate’s constitutional responsibility–and the stakes are huge.

    Whoever replaces Justice Scalia will have the power to decide epically important cases on abortion, labor unions, the Voting Rights Act, birth control, climate change, Citizens United, and so much more.2

    Will you chip in $5 to help fight back against the Republicans’ attempt to block President Obama from selecting Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement?

    The idea that the Republicans would leave a Supreme Court seat unfilled for over a year is utterly unprecedented.

    Historically, it’s taken an average of just 25 days for the Supreme Court to consider a Supreme Court nomination. The longest amount of time it’s ever taken is 125 days.3 President Obama has 360 days left in office.

    But Republicans are claiming that it’s traditional not to consider Supreme Court appointments in an election year–a blatant lie. Anthony Kennedy, a Reagan appointee, was confirmed by a Democratic Senate right in the middle of the bitterly fought 1988 presidential election.

    But the truth is we had no idea that this bombshell was about to drop, and we didn’t budget for this fight.

    So we’re launching an emergency fundraising drive to make sure we have the resources to take on what could be the biggest fight of Barack Obama’s entire presidency. Will you chip in $5?

    Yes, I’ll donate $5 to help demand the Senate give a fair up or down vote to President Obama’s choice to replace Justice Antonin Scalia.

    Thanks for all you do.

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kaili, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Clarise, Anathea, Audine, Ryan, Shannon, Megan, Kaytee, and Libby, the UltraViolet team


    1. Republicans already opposing any Obama Supreme Court nomination, USA Today, February 13, 2016

    2. The Simply Breathtaking Consequences Of Justice Scalia’s Death, ThinkProgress, February 13, 2016

    3. How Long Does It Take to Confirm a Supreme Court Nominee?, The New York Times, February 13, 2016


  2. Within hours of Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing, top Republicans announced plans to block ANY of President Obama’s nominees for the Supreme Court. They think we should wait until after the election for the next president to choose who fills Scalia’s seat.1

    Can you imagine Donald Trump or Ted Cruz picking the next justice? The idea is positively terrifying–to say nothing of the thought that landmark abortion and birth control cases will be decided this spring without President Obama’s nominee on the court.2 President Obama needs to be able to do his job and appoint a replacement. The stakes are too high for anything else.

    Republicans are watching to see how the country reacts to their declaration. Before their ideas take hold, we need to speak out loudly, and show them in no uncertain terms that the only acceptable way forward is for them to do their jobs and consider the current president’s nominee.

    Tell the Senate: Don’t block President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.
    Sign the petition

    One of the most important jobs the president has is appointing Supreme Court justices. The Senate’s job is to be consulted and to approve or reject–not summarily refuse to even consider the nominee.

    But here we are, with Republicans categorically rejecting any nominee, before Obama even announces his pick. They’re gambling that one of their far-right, anti-woman candidates will win the presidential election in November. Want a sense of what that means? Trump’s already on the record saying he thinks Bill Pryor, who called Roe v. Wade “the worst abomination in constitutional law in history,” is someone worth considering for the Supreme Court.3

    President Obama has pledged to move forward quickly, and he is going to need our help to get his nominee through the Senate. The first step is getting Republicans to back off their high horse and do their jobs to approve a new justice.

    Add your name.

    Thanks for speaking out.

    –Nita, Shaunna, Kat, Karin, Adam, Holly, Kaili, Kathy, Onyi, Susan, Clarise, Anathea, Audine, Ryan, Shannon, Megan, Kaytee, and Libby, the UltraViolet Action team


    1. Conservatives Quickly Refuse Any Obama Court Replacement After Antonin Scalia’s Death, Huffington Post, February 13, 2016

    2. The Supreme Court Is About To Consider A Case That Could End Roe V. Wade, ThinkProgress, November 10, 2015

    3. Who is Bill Pryor? Donald Trump mentions former Alabama Attorney General as possible Supreme Court nominee, AL.com, February 13, 2016


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