Colouring-in book about Fijian birds to save them

This video says about itself:

The collared lory (Phigys solitarius) is a monotypic species of parrot in the Psittaculidae family, and it is the only species in the genus Phigys. It is endemic to the islands of Fiji. It is the only Fijian rainforest bird to adapt to urban landscapes and can be found in urban Suva. Measuring 20 cm (8 in), it has bright red underparts and face with a purple crown and greenish upper parts. Males and females are similar in plumage, although the latter have a paler crown.

From BirdLife:

Colouring-in to save the wonderful birds of Fiji

By Mike Britton, Wed, 14/10/2015 – 21:20

When people think of a Pacific paradise it is often the images of Fiji that come to mind. It is a wonderful place with untouched forests and exotic wildlife. But protecting nature and birds can only happen with the support of the local communities – and with resources. BirdLife’s Fiji partner, NatureFiji-MareqetiViti is working with these communities to help them protect the nature that is special to them and develop sustainable livelihoods to support them into the future.

Growing the appreciation of nature in communities is the secret to saving it. That is the motive behind the Colour-In Paradise, an adult colouring-in book developed by Anne and Cathy O’Brien. Adult colouring books are hugely popular for their stress relieving properties and their ability to bring out our inner child. The aim is that as people colour the beautiful hand drawn impressions of Fiji’s unique creatures, they will not only relax and have fun as they de-stress, but also fall in love with the animals and plants they are colouring.

The books will have 20 intricate drawings of Fiji’s beautiful flora and fauna and be perfect for anyone interested in wildlife or looking to make a difference. The money from the sale of books and associated products will go towards helping many of the creatures that are being coloured in: the Fijian flying fox, red throated lorikeet, Fiji petrel and crested iguana to name a few.

Anne and Cathy are raising £4000 to enable them publish the book, postcards and prints. You can help my making a small donation. Please visit the site below and make a contribution to this different but fun initiative.

How Adult Coloring Books Can Bring Out the Artist in You: here.

Fiji: Cyclone Winston decimates ‘Bird Island’ (Vatu-i-Ra) Important Bird Area: here.

2 thoughts on “Colouring-in book about Fijian birds to save them

  1. Pingback: Pacific robins, four, not one species | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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