Big Roman army camp discovery in north Germany

Roman coin, discovered near Wilkenburg

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Big Roman camp discovered in Germany

Today, 16:27

German archaeologists have south of Hannover discovered traces of a large Roman encampment. The temporary camp near Wilkenburg village dates from around the year 0

That year does not exist in usual calanders. After 1 BC comes immediately 1 AD. However, there is a year 0 in some astronomy.

and could house at least 20,000 soldiers. “It is one of the largest Roman camps on the right bank of the Rhine” says researcher Salvatore Ortisi of the University of Osnabrück.

The scientists were studying aerial photos and started to suspect that there must have been a camp at that location. For science the discovery is of great importance since it is the first known Roman encampment on the North German Plain. It is tangible evidence of the Roman presence in this area.

Excavations have found nails of sandals and copper money, in which the soldiers were paid. Around the camp a canal was dug which became narrower towards the bottom. Also, the location of the entrance has been found. According to Ortisi the camp has been in use at most for three days. Then the army would continue, bivouacking again.


Ermelo [in Gelderland province in the Netherlands; also north of the official Roman empire border] also had a Roman marching camp. Dating back to the second century that camp also had a V-shaped moat. The camp in Ermelo had space for 5,000 soldiers.

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