Rare white whales off English coast

This video says about itself:

Filmed by Deb Powis, this is one of two beluga whales spotted off Warkworth Beach, Northumberland on Monday August 31st 2015. A single beluga was first sighted in the area on the day before.

From the BBC:

Rare Beluga whales spotted off Northumberland coast

2 September 2015

Two rare beluga whales have been spotted off the Northumberland coast.

The Arctic whales were spotted in the sea off the coast of Warkworth beach on Monday by tourist Steve Powis.

He said he watched the animals from the coastline for an hour and he knew they were “quite obviously” belugas when he saw their distinctive white colouring and bulbous head.

Kathy James, sightings officer for Sea Watch Foundation, said it was a “surprise” to hear of the sightings.

Belugas are normally found at least 2,000 miles to the north, either around Greenland or in the Barents Sea.

In August, a beluga whale was sighted off the County Antrim coast near Dunseverick.

In 30 years there have only been 17 records of belugas in Britain and Ireland, the Sea Watch Foundation said.

3 thoughts on “Rare white whales off English coast

  1. This is astonishing – so yesterday we had news from the BBC of a sighting of a blue whale off the coast of Cornwall and now we have Belugas off Northumberland. Long may it continue!


  2. Pingback: Stop whaling by Japan, Norway, Iceland | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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