12-year-old killed by Cleveland, USA police, update

This video from the USA says about itself:

11 June 2015

Tamir Rice: Judge Rules There Is Evidence to Charge Cleveland Cops

A judge said Thursday that enough evidence exists to charge two white policemen in the fatal shooting of a 12-year-old black boy who was holding a pellet gun, a largely symbolic ruling because he can’t compel prosecutors to charge them.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

United States: Video raises doubts over police killing of boy of 12

Monday 15th June 2015

INVESTIGATORS have questioned a police officer’s claim to have warned a black 12-year-old boy three times before shooting him dead.

Cleveland officer Timothy Loehmann said that he ordered Tamir Rice three times to raise his hands, but that the boy reached for an apparent pistol in his waistband, which turned out to be an airsoft replica.

But surveillance video footage shows Mr Loehmann firing two shots within two seconds of his police car skidding to a stop near the boy.

Cuyahoga County detectives investigating the incident wrote that, based on witness interviews, it was unclear whether Mr Loehmann had shouted anything to Tamir from inside the car before opening fire.

Prosecutor Tim McGinty said he had decided to release the investigative file now in the interests of transparency and facilitating changes to police procedures.

No witnesses heard cops warn 12-year-old Tamir Rice before killing him: here.

Laws governing the use of force by police in every state in the US, as well as the federal government, do not comply with international human rights agreements, Amnesty International said Thursday: here.

US police killings headed for 1,100 this year, with black Americans twice as likely to die. Guardian investigation finds 547 people killed by law enforcement so far in 2015 as Obama’s call for ‘appropriate oversight’ continues to go unheeded: here.

32 thoughts on “12-year-old killed by Cleveland, USA police, update

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