Welsh osprey nest update

This video from Wales says about itself:

On 29th May, 2015, Monty and Glesni’s first chick hatched.

Here are 12 hours condensed into two minutes.

From the Dyfi Osprey Project blog in Wales:

2015 – First Chick Hatches!!

Posted 30-05-2015 by Emyr – MWT

Sometimes nature can be so unpredictable, yet at other times, you can almost set your watch to it.

This has been the case with Monty and Glesni in 2015. They arrived back from migration exactly on time, laid eggs exactly when we’d expect them too and bang on 37 days later, the first chick hatches from the first egg laid.

At first light on 29th May, 37 days after the first egg was laid, we were ready. So were the eggspectant parents. The early morning weather wasn’t good – wind and rain, but by early afternoon the sun was out and so were 300 visitors that came to see the first chick hatch at Dyfi Osprey Project. …

The official hatching time was 18:33 when the chick was completely out of its egg.

Many congratulations to Margaret Blakeley who won the Guess The hatching Competition – you had a time of 18:36 – just three minutes out. Second and third places go to Alan Aplin and Helen Edwards with times of 18:45 and 18:11 respectively. Please get in touch guys.

Lots more action to come over the weekend, but as I write this at 07:57 on Saturday morning, 30th May, Glesni is just feeding her chick for the first time; he seems to like flounder!

Let’s hope we get all three out – #Happy Days.

2 thoughts on “Welsh osprey nest update

  1. Pingback: Ringing young ospreys in Wales | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: British osprey becomes father in Dutch Biesbosch | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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