Maldives underwater demonstration

This video is about marine life arund the Maldives islands.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Maldives: Undersea demo calls for release of former president

Monday 13th April 2015

A HUNDRED scuba divers held an underwater protest in the Maldives on Saturday, demanding the release of jailed former president Mohamed Nasheed.

Mr Nasheed became popular as an environmental activist during his term in office.

He is serving a 13-year prison sentence for ordering the arrest and detention of a senior judge when he was in power three years ago.

The protesters dived to a depth of 16 feet near the capital Male, displaying banners reading “Free Nasheed now,” “Free the climate hero” and “Democracy in jail,” according to a statement by Nasheed aide Paul Roberts.

Mr Nasheed campaigned to raise awareness of global warming during his presidency.

The Indian Ocean archipelago nation, which lies just a few feet above sea level, is in danger of disappearing beneath the waves due to rising sea levels.

While in government, Mr Nasheed famously held an underwater cabinet meeting to dramatise the threat to his nation.

He was sentenced last month for ordering the arrest and detention of Judge Abdulla Mohamed on charges of political bias and corruption.

Mr Nasheed’s trial and imprisonment has drawn widespread international criticism and cast doubt over the Maldives’ transition to democracy, which began after he was elected in 2008, ending 30 years of autocratic rule by Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Opposition supporters insist that the case against Mr Nasheed is politically motivated and aimed at eliminating him as a potential candidate in the 2018 presidential election.

The country’s judiciary is widely perceived as loyal to the Gayoom dynasty.

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