Diurnal wintering behaviour of the Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) in north-east Algeria


This is a marbled teal video from Morocco.

I had the privilege of seeing this duck species in Morocco.

Ecological analysis and patrimonial value of the breeding birds in the western Babors range in North-East Algeria: here.

“Information and Communication” cell of the Algerian National Association of Ornithology (ANAO) is planning to create a database of all scientific and explorations works made on birds of Algeria during all time (articles, thesis, magister dissertations, reports, data online on web…). This database, which will be organized along several search modes and available on the web, will set up a listing, the most comprehensive bibliography on birds of Algeria: here.

North African Birds

Aberkane, M., Maazi, M.-C., Chettibi, F., Guergueb, E.-Y., Bouslama, Z., & Houhamdi, M. (2014). Diurnal wintering behaviour of the Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) in north-east Algeria.Zoology and Ecology (in press). doi:10.1080/21658005.2014.889870


The Marbled Teal, Marmaronetta angustirostris, is a globally threatened species, especially in the Western Mediterranean. Its numbers are currently following a downward trend. The population size and status of the Marbled Teal are well estimated in some areas of its geographic range, but in others, such as Algerian wetlands, they are still not known. Population and time-activity budget estimation of the species were carried out in the semi-arid Ramsar wetland Garaet Timerganine located in north-east Algeria in the course of two subsequent wintering seasons. The wintering population showed a significant decrease in numbers from the first to the second year with peaks of 763 and 270 individuals, respectively. This variation was probably due…

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3 thoughts on “Diurnal wintering behaviour of the Marbled Teal (Marmaronetta angustirostris) in north-east Algeria

  1. Pingback: Marbled duck and black-crowned tchagra in Morocco | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Ecology of Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris (Ménétries, 1832) in the wetland complex of Oued Righ valley (Algerian Sahara)


    We conducted a survey on the Marbled Teal Marmaronetta angustirostris in the wetland complex of Oued Righ valley (Sahara of Algeria) from August 2007 to July 2011. Our results showed that this species have a sedentary breeder status. The breeding of Marbled Teal was reported in the main wetlands of Oued Righ complex. Further of the local breeding population, an important number of migrating individuals came to spend the wintering season. The maximum of 600 Marbled Teal were observed in December, while less than 200 individuals were recorded in the hottest months of the year (June and July). Feeding was the dominated diurnal behaviour with 55.7 %. This activity was performed mainly by upending (75 %) and sometimes by head dipping (25 %). Which confirm the important role of wetland complex of Oued Righ as a diurnal feeding area. The other less dominant activities were swimming (10.9 %), preening (8.3 %), resting (7.6 %), flying (6.5 %), courtship (6 %), and agonistic behaviour (5 %). The Marbled Teal breed regularly in most surveyed wetlands. The breeding period stretched from late March to late June. The majority of Marbled Teal nests contained thirteen eggs, settled mainly in tufts of Salicornia fruticosa, Salsola fruticosa, Atriplex halimus on branches near the water and in Tamarix gallica near the shore.

    Ecologie de la Sarcelle marbrée (Marmaronetta angustirostris) dans l’éco-complexe de zones humides de la vallée de l’Oued Righ (Sahara algérien)


  3. Pingback: Bird paradise in Armenia in danger | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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