Maldives raped girl anti-whipping victory

This video says about itself:

Aug 22, 2013

100 lashes sentence to Maldives girl

A 15-year-old girl who was sentenced to 100 lashes for engaging in premarital sex has had her punishment overturned by a Maldives court. …

The case caused outrage among rights groups who welcomed the latest ruling.

“We are relieved that the girl will be spared this inhumane ‘punishment’ based on an outrageous conviction, which we hope has also been quashed,” said Polly Truscott, Amnesty International‘s deputy Asia-Pacific director.

“No-one should ever be prosecuted for sex outside marriage in the first place.”

Ms Truscott said that flogging amounted to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. She called on the Maldives government to annul all outstanding flogging sentences.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

High Court overturns flogging for raped girl

Thursday 22 August 2013

A Maldives court has overturned a public flogging sentence on a 15-year-old rape victim whose conviction sparked international outrage.

The High Court said on Wednesday that the girl had been wrongly convicted by a juvenile court of having premarital sex.

Her stepfather is on trial for her rape, though she was charged after police allegations that she had consensual sex with another man.

The court said the sentence had been based on a confession the child made while she was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, adding she had been “unfit for trial.”

The Maldivian government had appealed on behalf of the teenager following an international outcry over the February sentence of 100 lashes when she reached the age of 18.

Premarital sex is illegal under Maldivian law, which is based on British common law but also has a sharia element.

10 thoughts on “Maldives raped girl anti-whipping victory

  1. Pingback: Shine On Award, thanks Ajaytao 2010! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Rapists cut grass for cops in Kenya

    A 16 year old woman in rural Kenya was attacked by six men, beaten and gang raped last June. She was left for dead. She survived, though she is now wheelchair-bound.

    Police sentenced three men identified as among her attackers to cut the grass around the local police station. They were then released.

    Outrage has spread across the east African country. Hundreds protested in Nairobi last week. More than 1.2 million people have signed a petition against the sentence.


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