Sharks slaughtered in Oman

Shark slaughter in Oman

From Wildlife Extra:

Disturbing shark slaughter in Oman

Dive guide alerts HEPCA to shark slaughter in Oman – Courtesy of HEPCA

June 2013. HEPCA, the Red Sea conservation organisation, has been contacted recently by a supporter from Oman with disturbing stories of shark fishing happening on a daily basis. A courageous dive guide working in the region has provided HEPCA with some shocking photos and he is concerned that this activity is taking place all over the area.

The unsustainable slaughtering of sharks is pushing the species towards extinction. The brutality and wastage that goes into the poaching techniques are not just irresponsible, but immoral.

The Rea Sea is one vast and interdependent eco-system; a small fractal unit of the singular and interconnected organism which constitutes the world’s oceans and seas. Any destruction to one part of that eco-system has the potential of affecting the whole. Our oceans and seas are one magnificent eco-system in perfect resonance and there are no jurisdictional boundaries when it comes to their protection.

HEPCA will be in close contact with PERSGA, the regional organization for environmental conservation of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. PERSGA has been an important ally and supporter of our efforts and we are confident that they will respond.

HEPCA would like to thank their supporter for his vigilance and helping expose this case.


HEPCA is an internationally recognized NGO specializing in the field of marine and land conservation. We were founded in 1992 by 12 representatives of the diving community in response to serious environmental threats affecting the Red Sea’s delicate and pristine eco-system.

6 thoughts on “Sharks slaughtered in Oman

  1. This is not only dangerous for the sharks but for the entire ecosystem. If you take out the top predators, the whole system can collapse. The red sea has coral reefs. If sharks are decimated, fish like parrot fish that eat corals will proliferate and destroy the reefs. As a result, all the species depending on the reefs (which have extremely high biodiversity) will suffer and many populations or even species go extinct. .So the sharks maintain that ecosystem. Kill them and the reef will go. I hope the Oman government understands that it can make more money from sustainable diving tourism and sustainable fisheries in the long run.
    Who said sharks are dangerous? Its Homo “Sapiens”.


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