Liebster Award, thanks Carolyn!

Liebster Award

Carolyn has been so kind to nominate this blog for the Liebster Award.

Thank you for this kind gesture, Carolyn!

The rules of the Liebster Award:

1. Add the award logo to your blog.
2. Answer the following questions.
3. And pass the award onto 11 other blogs, link to them, and let them know.

Here are Carolyn’s questions for me:

1. Who inspires you? Malalai Joya, Afghan activist for women’s rights and against war.

2. Who is the most important person in your life? My true love.

3. What is your greatest achievement? My journey to Antarctica.

4. What do you dream of? Of all wars stopping.

5. What makes you smile? Seeing the siskins outside.

6. What would you change about you? Being less clumsy 🙂

7. How do you think others see you? You would have to ask them, they know that better than I do 🙂

8. What advice would you give to your teenage self? I would have to meet my teenage self first 🙂

9. How do you relax? Birdwatching.

10 Where do you think you will be this time next year? I don’t know yet.

11. What is your Facebook link? I am not on Facebook for privacy reasons. See here.

My nominees are:

1. Nomewome

2. That Socially Anxious Atheist Paranoid Gay

3. The New Shorebirds Handbook Blog

4. Daily Propaganda

5. truebeautyalways

6. One Lop Too Many

7. Penny Thoughts

8. theINFP

9. Unfamous Diary of Pulubing Turista

10. The Worlds top 10 of Anything and Everything!!!

11. Tom Simard

13 thoughts on “Liebster Award, thanks Carolyn!

  1. Pingback: A Liebster Award | That Socially Anxious Atheist Paranoid Gay

  2. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award, thanks tuttacronaca! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award, thanks tuttacronaca! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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