Anti-austerity demonstration in Brussels

This video says about itself:

European trade union rally – Speech by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary

14 March 2013 — 15,000 people gathered in Brussels to say no to austerity and yes to jobs.

“#140313Youth – Together for a better future: No to austerity! Yes to jobs for young people!” European trade union action.

More info:

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Workers protest in Brussels

Thursday 14 March 2013

Thousands of workers protest in Brussels today to demand that EU leaders bring an end to austerity measures and instead focus on boosting growth and reducing unemployment.

The demonstration vented frustration over years of EU-imposed austerity that unions and economists say is worsening the recession and driving more people into unemployment and poverty.

“The policies that have been put in place have failed,” said European Trade Union Confederation general secretary Bernadette Segol.

“We see that the efforts have been put on the shoulders of workers.”

Workers from steel giant ArcelorMittal and construction equipment maker Caterpillar joined the protest to highlight recent moves to cut the size of their workforces.

The European Court of Justice ruled today that property repossession laws in Spain that have led to hundreds of thousands of evictions violate EU consumer protection laws: here.

7 thoughts on “Anti-austerity demonstration in Brussels

  1. Bailout talks break down in Athens

    GREECE: Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras said today that bailout lenders will send inspectors back to Athens in about two weeks after both sides failed to finalise a new round of deficit reduction measures.

    Mr Stournaras said the inspectors from the EU, European Central Bank and IMF would return in late March or early April.

    The sides remain at odds over the speed of state job cuts and plans to address mounting tax arrears.


      • I Know, but the fact, that it happens there too, really tells a lot about the foundation, as well as the hidden agenda of the latest of these global instruments of socio-political and economical destruction!
        These have been in the past the reason for many nations to redeem their independence from the exploitation of strangers with no respect, understanding, therefore compassion for populations, with traditions that glued them for thousands of years, with good morals, and a well defined pass in the history of civilizations.

        Thanks for your comment, and your post Petrel41!

        I hope that my view on these issues of utmost importance are not to far off from the way most of us feel after experiencing life in these times of artificialization, trivialization and denial of most fundamental rights, to so many people!


        • Thanks for your comment, George!

          The workers demonstrating against austerity were mainly from Belgium. Also from other countries; though snow caused traffic problems, meaning some demonstrators from , eg, France did not arrive.


  2. Pingback: Anti-austerity demonstration in Brussels | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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