Bird blogosphere overview

This 2015 video says about itself:

Video Blog – 3 Weeks in Cuba

A behind the scenes look at 3 weeks photographing birds in Cuba.

From Advocacy for Animals blog:

The State of the Bird Blogosphere: A Roundup

March 11, 2013

by Corey Finger, 10000 Birds

We at Advocacy for Animals think our bird-loving readers will enjoy this very useful report on the state of the “bird blogosphere”—the resources on the Web for birders and bird fanciers. Our thanks to Corey Finger and the 10000 Birds Blog, where this piece first appeared on January 17, 2013.


Ladies and gentlemen, the state of the bird blogosphere is strong, stronger than ever, in fact. In the last ten days the two biggest bird blogs in the bird blogosphere, 10,000 Birds and the ABA Blog, have had their biggest days in terms of traffic ever. On a monthly basis more people are visiting bird blogs than ever before and traffic continues to rise. There are many fine birding blogs putting out great content, attracting lots of readers, and exploring the intersection of the internet and birding.

Sure, the state of the bird blogosphere is different than in past years. There has been an acceleration of the switch to group blogging and blogs with an institution behind them continue to grow in influence. Bird blogs run by individuals have seen their readership drop in absolute numbers as well as compared to the numbers put up by group blogs. Some blogs have grown in readers and influence and some have virtually disappeared. Big year blogs have grown in popularity and it seems that there is no greater way to engage people about a big year than blogging it. But what matters most is that we are still relevant in this age of social media and content sharing. Someone, after all, has to provide the content to share!

As of this post going live there are nearly five hundred bird blogs listed on the Nature Blog Network though only forty are averaging more than one hundred readers a day. There are, of course, quite a few bird blogs that do not list on the Nature Blog Network, and quite a few blogs that are listed there that do not categorize as bird blogs even if birds are a large part of their content. There are a lot of bird blogs but not a lot with a lot of traffic. Of course, people write bird blogs for many reasons other than amassing readers but traffic is the only metric we have to go on. (That is, until we launch the Bird Blog Awards.)

Prothonotary warbler--© Mike Bergin

Prothonotary warbler–© Mike Bergin

I thought it would be helpful to break down bird blogs into a couple of categories to see what is happening in different sectors of the bird blogosphere.

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