United States flycatcher news

Willow flycatcher

By Melissa Mayntz in the USA:

More Habitat for Endangered Flycatcher

February 6, 2013

One small bird now has a lot more habitat to enjoy, thanks to protection from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. According to the Deseret News, more than 200,000 acres of riparian land along more than 1,200 miles of rivers in several western states is now guarded against adverse development, and it is hoped that the protective measure can help safeguard the endangered southwestern subspecies of the willow flycatcher.

Parts of Utah, Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado are included in the protected zones. While the areas are not automatically designated as preserves, this first step in habitat conservation may lead to better analysis of developments as they could harm the endangered species.

Have you seen the southwestern willow flycatcher? Share your sightings in the comments!

Willow Flycatcher
Photo © HarmonyonPlanetEarth

Arizona water pumping decision threatens millions of birds in Globally Important Bird Area: here.

9 thoughts on “United States flycatcher news

    • “The habitat covers nearly 209,000 acres but doesn’t automatically establish those areas as preserves. It does, however, ban destruction or “adverse modification” of these lands for projects conducted or authorized by the federal government. Adverse modification typically means activity that destroys the lands’ value for the endangered species.”



      • That is equal to the “taking of private property.” When the federal government prevents a landowner from using his land as he chooses, but allows others to use it as they choose, it is either Socialism or Avianism (you like that word?).


        • Hi Waldo, I doubt whether this measure (mainly about what the federal government allows itself to do) is any more socialism than taking away landowners’ lands (rather than limits in use as in this measure) for building a pipeline or a railroad.

          Take the example of two landowners next door to each other. One of them is a beekeeper, using his land as he chooses; for the bees. Next door, the owner is also using his land as he chooses: with bee-killing insecticides. Not on his beekeeping neighbour’s land; on his own land. Still, his neighbour’s bees die.

          In the habitat of this rare bird, some landowners don’t overgraze their land, don’t use insecticides which kill birds, and don’t cut so many bushes and trees that the birds cannot nest anymore (these trees and bushes are important for shade for cattle as well, by the way). However, next door there may be a landowner overgrazing, using bird-killing insectides, and clearing all bushes and trees. The birds will become extinct on this land. And on his neighbour’s land eventually as well, as the habitat for the bird species becomes too small and fragmented.


          • Private land is private land.

            Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only.

            People who own private land payed for it with their own funds.
            People who own private land pay taxes to the government (in perpetuity)

            No one should take any use of those lands away from the owner UNLESS the owner is paid compensation for the loss of use of all or part of the land.

            When someone builds a pipeline, railroad or any other infrastructure through the use of emminent domain (or other legal taking) then the owner is compensated.

            And so I go back to my original quesion; were the owners compensated for the taking of this 209,000 acres?


  1. Pingback: How endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatchers survive in California, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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