British young wildlife photographer competition

Chaffinch, 2012 under-12’s category winning photo of the British Wildlife Photography Awards

From the Animal Blog in Britain:

Young Photographers Urged To Get Snapping

Posted on February 4, 2013

Aspiring young wildlife photographers are urged to get out their cameras and get snapping to be in with a chance of winning this year’s WildPix competition, led by RSPB and British Wildlife Photography Awards.

There were 4,000 entries to the two youth categories of the competition last year – under 12s and 12 to 18 age groups – submitted from young people across the UK. Entries don’t need to feature exotic creatures or locations to be in with a chance of winning. Last year’s winner in the under-12’s category scooped the top prize with a stunning photo of a chaffinch taken in his own back garden in Groombridge, Kent.

Suzanne Welch, RSPB Head of Youth and Education, said; ‘The WildPix competition is a great way for young people to get close to the nature around them, in their gardens, local park or nature reserve. Don’t forget our town and city centres have a wealth of wildlife that might surprise people too. Last year’s winner proves that even the most everyday species like a chaffinch can be photographed in an exciting and imaginative way, and we hope our annual Big Garden Birdwatch event last weekend inspires some wonderful entries from gardens.’

Entries are open until 4 May and the winners will be announced in September. Judges include the well-known wildlife photographer and cameraman Charlie Hamilton James, and the editor of the RSPB’s award-winning BIRDS magazine Mark Ward.

Winning images will be published in ‘British Wildlife Photography Awards: Collection 4‘ out later this year, as well as the RSPB youth magazines, and will be displayed along with winners in all twelve categories of this year’s competition in a travelling exhibition.

Find out more about helping young people get to know nature at and more information about the British Wildlife Photography Awards can be found at

10 thoughts on “British young wildlife photographer competition

  1. What happened? I haven’t received any posts from you in over a week. I came by to make sure everything was ok…and here you are, dear. Safe and sound. I wonder why I am no longer getting your posts???


    • Hi, today I got a message “Serenity is now following your blog”. I think that something went wrong at WordPress. I hope that you did receive the pheasant and rabbit photo of today and later blog posts.


      • I didn’t see anything yet as of… I think it is 4:30am. I have been getting up around this time every mornings. Doctor says it is because I am in so much pain from the disk herniations, the fibromylysigia, and the disk degenedative disease. And it is true for I am quite a lot of pain. So I get up, have a smoke, do a quick check of email, have some water, struggle to the bathroom, and then struggle back to bed. I unfollowed and refollowef your blog. I see I am to get posts as published between 4am and 6am daily. It is funny, I also follow and subscribe to 15 other WordPress blogs, but only receive 6 update posts regularly in my email. Will have to remember time check out your newest post. I ♡ rabbits. But I also suffer from short term memory loss that comes with the fibro and meds and being up early and groggy and drowsy, you bet I am going to forget: / ;((


        • Maybe you did get my later postings about Canadian garden birds, and Greek workers?

          Maybe some of the bloggers whom you follow post infrequently.

          All my best wishes to you and your health!


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