Goldcrests in the cemetery

Today, to the cemetery again.

Great tits. Blue tits. A robin sings.

Blackbirds. Jays. Wood pigeons. Magpies.

Then, in coniferous trees, a group of coldcrests.

This is a goldcrest video.

In the same tree as a goldcrest, a nuthatch climbs.

A bit later on the same tree, a short-toed treecreeper climbs.

As we walk back, house sparrows in their usual tree in a garden.

17 thoughts on “Goldcrests in the cemetery

    • Yes, indeed! They are a bit similar to kinglets in North America.

      They are the smallest birds in Europe. They move fast behind branches, so they are often difficult to spot.


    • Birds in general are not so easy to photograph; but goldcrests especially so.

      Besides being small and agile, they are also often in coniferous trees where it is easy to hide.


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