More civilians killed, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan

This video is called Inside Story Americas – Who controls Afghanistan‘s Bagram prison?

By Patrick O’Connor:

New US drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen

4 January 2013

Marking the first US drone attacks of 2013, the Obama administration ordered two separate missile bombardments in Pakistan and Yemen on Wednesday and Thursday.

The latest attacks demonstrate that the drawdown of US-led occupying forces in Afghanistan will be accompanied by an expansion of illegal drone operations across the Middle East. At least 16 people were reported killed, all alleged Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters, though details of each incident are still emerging and Washington routinely covers up the killing of civilians in drone strikes.

By Oliver Campbell:

Afghanistan: Sharp rise in civilian deaths

4 January 2013

While the US and its allies claim that the situation in Afghanistan “stabilised” in 2012, in preparation for a security handover to Afghan forces in 2014, increasing civilian casualties, daily drone strikes and a mounting social crisis reveal the real situation after more than a decade of US occupation.

According to a report released by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan on December 14, at least 967 civilians were killed, and another 1,590 were injured in the third quarter of 2012. The figures indicate a 28 percent rise in civilian deaths between August 1 and October 31, compared to the corresponding period in 2011.

Statistics released by the US in early November showed that the US military had carried out 333 drone strikes in Afghanistan in the first 10 months of 2012. The average of 33 drone strikes per month was reportedly far higher than at any time in the 11-year US occupation. The monthly average in 2011 was 24.5.

The drone strikes are surging alongside a decrease in the number of US troops, with 34,000 soldiers fewer than early 2011, during Obama’s troop surge. In other words, a central component of the US “transition” in Afghanistan is a deadly drone campaign, which has resulted in an unknown number of civilian casualties. Peter W. Singer of the Brookings Institution described the drone strikes as a “regularised air war”.

As of early December, 301 US troops had died in Afghanistan during 2012. The number of casualties declined from 413 in 2011, and a high of 500 in 2010, largely as a result of the declining number of ground troops. Even so, in September, the total number of US casualties since the 2001 invasion reached 2,000. Deaths among Afghan police and military personnel are much higher. According to the Afghan Defence Ministry, around 300 are dying each month.

Throughout 2012, so-called “green-on-blue” incidents—attacks by Afghan soldiers and police on their American counterparts—highlighted the broad opposition in Afghanistan to the US occupation. By late November, 60 International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) troops had been killed in such attacks in 2012, according to official calculations, representing 16 percent of total ISAF casualties.

Most recently, an Afghan policewoman shot and killed an American trainer on December 24. A Reuters report revealed that the woman lived in dire poverty, with raw sewage and stagnant water in the lanes around her damp and cold two-room concrete home. Her 16-year-old son Sayid said his mother, who may also have suffered from mental illness, “was usually complaining about poverty. She was complaining to my father about our conditions.”

While statistics are scanty, the number of newly displaced people indicates that the social crisis continues to worsen. According to the UN, 481,877 people are classified as internally displaced. Almost 200,000 of them were first recorded in 2012, with 91,095 of them actually displaced during the year. The statistics for November point to an escalating trend, with almost 33,000 people recorded as newly displaced that month, and more than 8,000 actually displaced in that month. Some 78 percent of those newly displaced in November were from the central region, which has been a focal point of fighting.

Aid organisations have raised concerns that this winter will produce a humanitarian disaster, with more than 2 million people estimated to be at risk from cold, malnutrition and disease. Last winter saw the lowest temperatures and the highest snowfall in 15 years, resulting in scores of children dying in the shanty settlements around Kabul. Millions of people were affected nationally.

Yet more evidence of US abuses came in a report from the US State Department to the UN in early December. It revealed that the American military had detained about 200 teenagers at a prison next to Bagram Air Base since 2008. The teenagers, mostly detained for over a year, were designated “enemy combatants” and denied the most basic legal rights. The report outlined a pseudo-legal rationale for abrogating the legal and democratic rights of minors, claiming that “the purpose of detention is not punitive but preventative: to prevent a combatant from returning to the battlefield.”

According to the report, the teenagers’ average age was 16. Civil liberties advocates noted that the low average age indicated that much younger children were detained.

Tina Foster, executive director of the International Justice Network, an organisation that represents detainees at Bagram, told the Guardian: “I’ve represented children as young as 11 or 12 who have been at Bagram.” She also questioned the number of 200, “because there are thousands of detainees at Parwan.” She added: “There are other children whose parents have said these children are under 18 at the time of their capture, and the US doesn’t allow the detainees or their families to contest their age.”

Are the Wars in the Middle East and North Africa Really About Oil? Here.

7 thoughts on “More civilians killed, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan

  1. Pingback: ‘To-be-released’ prisoners still in Bagram torture jail | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. A chance to hear from the last of the Yemeni sailors

    by Alan Newman

    The title of this multimedia exhibition is a quote from a Yemeni poet.

    It tells the story of Yemeni sailors who settled in South Shields, in Tyne and Wear, in the early 20th century. It has photos, interviews with 14 sailors, and footage of a visit from the great boxer Muhammad Ali.

    The fighter and his wife were invited by the Boys Boxing Club. Ali boxed with the children. Their marriage was blessed at the Al Azhar Mosque.

    Yemeni sailors served on British merchant ships during the First World War.

    Some 800 Yemeni seamen lost their lives during the Second World War.

    They faced hardship at sea—and racism and discrimination, even inside their own National Union of Seamen.

    In 1919 there were race riots, when the sailors beat off their attackers. And for years the sailors faced outrage at the idea of Arab men marrying white women.

    First shown in 2008, the exhibition is an opportunity to see and hear from the last of an apparently hidden and forgotten generation.

    Yemeni sailors were among millions who came, worked and settled in Britain—because Britain‘s empire stretched over their home countries.

    Last of the Dictionary men

    The Mosaic Rooms, Tower House, 226 Cromwell Road, London SW5 0SW, 1 February to 22 March. Free


  3. Pingback: Yemen’s revolution and drone war | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Drone attacks on Pakistan, Yemen are war crimes, Amnesty says | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Yemeni poets, graffiti artists against US drone strikes | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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