Egyptian workers’ victory in Saudi Arabia

This 2016 video is called Saudi Arabia: the migrant workers trapped in the Kingdom.

From the World Socialist Web Site today:

Egyptian labourers in Saudi Arabia stage sit-in

Around 4,000 Egyptian labourers in Jeddah, who were transferring luggage in King Abdul Aziz Airport for the pilgrimage season, staged a sit-in Wednesday [31 October 2012] in protest at the treatment of a colleague.

According to Ahram Online, Fathi Ismail, an Egyptian consular consultant, “was commissioned by Adel El-Alfy, Egypt’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, along with consular representatives headed by Mohamed Al-Sharif, Egyptian consul in Jeddah, to resolve the protest which halted luggage transfers for a few hours.”

As the dispute was resolved with an apology, four Egyptian labourers who were arrested earlier by Saudi security forces during clashes, were released.

4 thoughts on “Egyptian workers’ victory in Saudi Arabia

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