Sweden helped Bush’s Iraq war

This video is called ‘From Assange to NATO, Sweden a voluntary vassal state of US’.

Translated from daily Expressen in Sweden:

Sweden helped the U.S. to bomb Baghdad

Prime Minister Göran Persson condemned the U.S. bombing of Iraq in 2003.

At the same time the Swedish military secretly helped the U.S. with information about bomb targets in Baghdad.

This is shown by declassified documents from the U.S. military headquarters, U.S. Central Command, which Expressen can publish today.

MP Peter Eriksson (Green Party) and the Left Party‘s former leader Lars Ohly are now demanding to know the truth about Sweden’s suspected duplicity.

If Sweden facilitated an attack, then that is very remarkable, says Lars Ohly.

Iraq: How the CIA Says It Blew It On Saddam’s WMD: here.

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